Tagged: COC 5 ORAL
- This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 months, 4 weeks ago by
28/05/2020 at 05:51 #637
Reverse chronological order, latest questions at the top!
Updated with 2024 questions
David and 1 examiner, Dec 2024
1. Bilge system
A) Explain the pipe line drawing.
B) What are the requirements to pump out Bilge water.
C) Why is the bilge pump a certain type?
D) Differences between Positive Displacement pump and Centrifugal pump.2. Non-return valve
A) Explain the difference between normal globe valve and NRV.3. Class Societies
A) MPA’s 9 RO4. How to start an put a generator on load, in a safe procedure
5. Standard Shore Connection
A) Dimensions?
B) What items are present? (i.e. spanner etc)6. International Shore Connection
A) Dimensions?
B) Purpose
C) LocationDavid and Rui, Oct 2024
1. Bilge system
A) Bilge well high level, started bilge pump but bilge well level is not reducing.
2. MPA’s 8 RO
3. IMO conventionsDavid and Steam examiner, March 2023
A) Propulsion Boilers
– Why Purge main boiler furnace before flashing up?
– Purge Air supplied by what machinery?
– Auto sequential starting of 1st FO Burner via Burner management sys
– MGO Line purged by what medium?
– BOG Line purged by what medium?
– Brief description for flashing/ firing up boiler
– Purpose of Bottom blowdown?
– Steps for scum blowdown
– Atomizing air purpose?
– How is BOG Supplied to M/B From cargo tanks?
– Gas hood room safeties (Gas detector)
– How is De-superheated steam achieved?
– Purpose of De-superheated steam (Services?)
– De-superheated steam temperature: 288-293 C
– Main Boiler Criteria tests?
– 2 types of Chemical Dosing tanks
– What/How much chemical to dose ?
– What kind of burner for Main boiler?
– Types of Fuel mode for Main Boiler (50% FG, 50% FO)
– Common alarms for Main BoilerB) Main Turbine/ Condenser/TG/ Plant ops
– How much Main condenser Vacuum pressure? Purpose of it?
– What is Main turbine Axial displacement ? What to check?
– Explain Auto -Spinning procedures wrt Manoeuvring valve
– Explain why avoid full astern telegraph command wrt astern turbine abnormalities
– Procedures for hand-spinning Main turbine
– Prepare M/T for sea passage/ Procedures for Securing M/T
– Why MT shaft must always be turning?
– Common alarms for Main turbine/ Turbo-Gen
– Purpose of Astern Water spray
– Differences btw Steam plant vs Diesel engine plant
– How to conduct ER watchkeeping for Steamships?2) MOTOR
A) MARPOL (David)
– Explain Annex I, IV, VI + what Certificates/books are needed?
– Standard discharge connection (Annex I, IV, ) location, specificationsB) Bilge system (David)
– Bilge v/v requirement (SDNR)
– At port, how to handle bilge water if bilge tanks/Wells are all full?
– What to do if Bilge level rises above tank top? (ER Flooding)
– Emergency bilge suction v/v purpose + requirement as per SOLAS
– Explain ER bilge managementC) ER Machineries & safety (Rui)
– Explain how starting air line explosion occurs? How to detect?
– What types of +ve displacement pumps are found in ER
– What types of Centrifugal pumps are found in ER
– What kind of pump is Steering gear pump?
– Steering Gear SOLAS Requirements
– What pump is Aux Boiler FO Burning pump?D) Firefighting (David)
– International shore connection purpose, locations, and specifications
– ER FFA inspection? How and what to inspect?E) Explain what are the 8 ROs recognised by MPA (David)
Unknown examiner (Motor)
1. Bilge system – went through line tracing, emergency bilge (mentioning highest capacity pump), what to do when there’s flooding
2. Boiler – gauge glass blowdown, what to do when boiler is over-pressurised
3. Pumps – what kind of pump is bilge pump, how to tell non-return valve from other valves
4. Watchkeeping – what to do during round checks, what to check for cascade tank when conducting round checks
5. MARPOLLeong and Rui, Feb 2023
A) Annex I
i) International shore connection: location, purpose, special features, specifications
ii) Standard discharge connections: location, purpose, special features, specifications, which convention it is under
B) Annex IV
i) Certification required
ii) What to do when vessel is in port
iii) How to manage sewage
iv) STP – draw and explain, different types, what is the importance of blower, indication of anaerobic bacteria in system, purpose of sludge air lift
2. PSC Regime
3. CIC
4. Classification societies recognised by MPA
5. Ship fire plan location and purpose
6. Bilge system – Scolding on TARB bilge diagram and drawings, what type of gauges fitted on suction and discharge, why different type, and types of gauges. Troubleshoot and explain actions taken when pump is running but bilge well level not reducing, as well as suction gauge side showing 0 bar pressure.
7. Boiler
A) Boiler gauge glass – blow down, if water level rises, but suddenly drops when steam is introduced, where is the water level and what’s the next action taken. Fittings on gauge glass, number of gauge glass, gauge glass regulations, what to do if one gauge glass is not visible.
B) Boiler stays – purpose of boiler stays, how it is tightened and how to identify if loose.
C) Boiler foundation – how to check.
D) Boiler safety valve – drain is fitted for what purpose.
8. Watchkeeping – how to take rounds.
9. Electrical
A) Earth fault system – How many onboard and what do the indications mean. How to know when to take action. What does dim, no light and bright lamp means.
B) Main switchboard – safeties, colour coding on switchboard meanings, preferential trip, how does it occur and what happens during a preferential trip.
10. Steam system – where does it supply, purpose and operation of tracing steam.2022
Unknown examiner (Motor)
– Bilge system: Assignment 008
Draw/explain system
Explain normal operation
Explain Abnormal operation (water rising above bilge wells)
Explain Emergency bilge sea suction
SOLAS requirements for such valve.
Which MARPOL Annex falls under?
Explain/draw Non-return globe valve
Function of compound gauge
High vacuum but little delivery?
Strainers used for?
– Boiler:
Blowdown procedures
Boiler mountings
Scenario: In case of over pressure, safety valve not lifting, how do you relief pressure?
Scenario: low Boiler water, no water, etc.
– Main switchboard:
Safety features and explain
Describe Preferential trips
Blackout: what would happen and SOLAS requirement of emergency generator.
name and describe all annexesUnknown examiner
Describe watchkeeping
Operational parametersUnknown examiner (Motor)
How to take over watch (ER Rounds / Watchkeeping)
Check for? From where to where
How to take over watch (ER Rounds / Watchkeeping)
Bilge system, draw and explain
Remember direction of flow
Usage of fire, bilge and GS Pump (overboard vlv for flooding)
OWS take suction from BHT (not BPT)
Bilge primary tank function
Fire door function
Escape route
DG Parallelling (starting and running checks)
FWG vacuum reading (760mmHg)
Suction and discharge pressure of bilge pump
Village pump type
Positive displacement p/p
> how if got no suction (ans: wrong vlv open, if BHT high, means got leakage somewhere)
Saturday routine (all)
What to check in Emergency Gen
What do you check in LB/RB?
HFO purification temp: 96-102. Why so?Unknown examiner (Motor)
Safety with regards to engine room > PPE, condition of ship, well being, escape route
How to take over watch? How to have a safe watch
Engine room rounds (funnel to bottom deck)
Blow through boiler (how frequent? steps)
What do you inspect on the boiler
Expansion tank water treatment
How to start generator, paralleing, load sharing
Starting air line explosion > how to detect one? What to do if there are signs of air line explosion
Bilge system
Oil mist detectors, where it can be found
From a senior watchkeeper, how to ensure safety in engine roomUnknown examiner (Motor)
1. ME departure preparations
2. How to tell that your ME LO Purifier is doing its job
3. OWS Drawing
4. Boiler feed pump overhaul procedures
5. How to take over a watch
6. D/G Starting
7. Trouble shooting Low Insulation
8. Trouble shooting repetitive boiler flame failure
9. Scavenge space cleaning
10. Taking over of watchUnknown examiner (Motor)
1. Causes and action taken of starting air line
2. Taking over a watch
3. How to blow through gauge glass
4 Why must you blow through gauge glass , and how
do you overhaul a gauge glass when the water side is
5. How do you start your generator manually
6. What is the min temp you have to wait to warm up
before paralleling generator
7. Why must you close the ACB when it is at 11oclock
8. Why cant you close ACB in anticlockwise motion
9. Steering gear maintenance check
10. How to operate emergency steering gear with communication with bridge (draw with sketch and ) and
why is it that emergency steering gear is using 1 motor.
11. 1 hour notice for departure
12. What to check when you are engaging turning gear
and why is it that you engage turning gear.
13. When there is fire on the workshop what are you
suppose to do.
14. What type of extingusher are you suppose to fight
when there is fire in the workshop , and ECR
15. How to overhaul a purifier
16. Safety precaution prior to overhauling purifier
17. Enclosed space entry ( Bilge tank and FO tank )
procedure and precaution
18. How to overhaul a pump and things to take noteUnknown examiner (Motor)
1. Draw bilge system
2. Certs required for MARPOL Annex I
3. Draw sewage system
4. Certs required for MARPOL Annex IV
5. Boiler gauge glass blowdown
6. How to take boiler water sample
7. Boiler feedwater test
Raphael (Steam + Motor)
1. Prepare M/E for departure
2. Prepare M/T for departure
3. Overhauling Boiler Feedwater pump for Motor ships
4. Overhauling Boiler Feedwater pump for Steam Ship
5. Oily Water Separator cross sectional drawingUnknown examiner (Steam + Motor)
1. Prepare M/E for departure
2. Prepare M/T for departure
3. Overhauling Boiler Feedwater pump for Motor ships
4. Overhauling Boiler Feedwater pump for Steam Ship
5. Oily Water Separator cross sectional drawing + Explanation
6. Why Air Compressor take too long to top up air
bottles + What to do
7. Saturday Routine
8. D-Type Boiler
9. Superheater Passes + Steam Flow in Steam ships
10. Blowdown Procedures
11. Gauge glass drawings + How to renew
12. 4/E DutiesUnknown examiner (Motor)
1. Taking over watch procedure
2. Bilges problems, emergency suction is part of solas requirement to connect to largest capacity pump
3. Vacuum gauge pressure, vacuum pressure in mmhg
4. HTFW expansion tank empty, do what, leaking where, how you know which unit, actions taken.
5. Purifier nomogram
6. Boiler gauge blowdown———————————————————–
Leong & David 2021
1. How do you ensure you keep a safe watch?
2. Ship bilge system
-components of the bilge system
-SOLAS requirements, types of valves
-Emergency bilge suction valve, bilge pump what type of pump
3. Aft bilge well level high. Pump running but level not going down
-Reasons, how to troubleshoot, what action to take
4. Turning gear
– Things to check before and during turning of engine
– Why do we need to turn the engine?
– Engine not free to turn: how do we know and what actions to take?
5. Boiler gauge glass
– How to blowdown
– Boiler gauge glass safeties against glass breakage
– Water level missing – where is the water level?
– Boiler water level below gauge glass – what action to take?
6. Boiler water test
– Reasons for carrying out test, what do we test e.g. alkalinity
– Procedure for drawing sample, how do we obtain a representative sample
– Reason for having a cooler at boiler sampling valve outlet
– How do you conduct the water test.
– what can compromise the water testing. (dosage of regent/chemical additives and expiration date.)
7. Handling of hazardous chemicals
– Proper PPE, what is inside MSDS, Ventilation of chemical store, facilities provided for mixing chemicals
8. Fireman equipment
– What equipment
– How many
– SOLAS requirements of firefighting equipment
– BA set safety checksMAY 2020 David
1. Fire fighting system & types of fire fighting equipment
2. Boiler water treatment
3. Emergency generator
4. Generator
5. E/R rounds
6. Boiler mountings
7. MLC conventions
8. Winch, windlass, poop deck, spurling pipe, weather tight & water tight door, superstructure, monkey island
9. Content of oil record book
10. S.T.P checksMAY 2020 David
1. Earth fault
2. Steering gear test
3. Fire fighting system
4. Handing & taking over watch
5. M/E safety trips
6. Hypermist system
7. Ship structure such as hawse pipe, superstructure winch and windlass etcLeong
1. Bilge system
A) Draw pipeline
B) Explain possible reasons and actions to take when Bilge Well (AFT) is high
C) During pumping, water level not going down. What actions to take
D) Bilge pump positive suction pressure, what possible reasons
2. Steering gear
A) Draw pipeline
B) Draw hydraulic pump
C) Safeties
3. Boiler
A) Draw gauge glass
B) What type of cock
C) How to ensure not choked
D) Boiler water test
4. Handing over/taking over watch
5. Engine round checks
6. Preparation procedure of main starting air for main engine
7. Turning gears – What to look out forDavid
1. M/E L.O pipeline drawing
2. Bilge system pipeline drawing
3. Sewage system pipeline drawing
4. Boiler mountings drawing
5. Boiler gauge glass drawing and blowdown procedure
6. Pre-departure checklist
7. Generator starting procedure and synchronisation procedure
8. Low insulation definition and troubleshooting procedure
9. Switchboard safety devices
10. Classification societies recognised by MPA
11. Crankcase inspectionLeong
1. Bilge system pipeline drawing
2. Steering gear pipeline drawing
3. Taking over watch checklist
4. Engine round checks
5. Preparation procedure for Main Engine
6. Generator starting procedure and synchronisation procedure
7. Enclosed space entry permit procedure
8. Lifting equipment and safe working load
9. Draw 2 stroke and 4 stroke timing diagramHussein, date unknown
1. Departure checks
2. Generator Starting and Paralleling procedures.
3. Steering Gear Checks on Departure.
4. Compressor overhauling procedures.
5. How would you ensure motor is properly aligned?
6. How to change oil in sump of a compressor?
7. Oily Water Separator Diagram and explanation.
8. How would you pump bilges overboard?
9. Fire mains system diagram and explain.
10. Insulation Failure, Action.
11.a. 4 stroke, 2 stroke timing diagram and explain.
11.b. Overlapping period of valves, reasons for it and show it on the timing diagram.
12. How to ensure purifier is purifying the oil or not?
13. Emergency Fire Pump is not taking suction, during weekly checks, causes and actions
14. Boiler not firing, Causes and actions.
15. High chloride level in boiler action.
16. when we change compressor valves and how (procedures).Hussein, date unknown
1. Bottom Platform checks (viscorator & setpoints).
2. Fresh Water Generator Diagram & explanation.
3. Main Engine Lub. Oil System (Diagram & Explanation).
4. What to do if 2/E asks you to clean up Service Tank (Safety Precautions + Proper Procedures).
5. Air Compressor long running hours (Causes and actions).
6. Boiler Cross-section diagram with mountings.
7. Load lines.
8. Remote temperature transmitter (working principle).
9. Fire tetrahedron.
10. Timing diagram 2 stroke and 4 stroke, draw and explain.
11. Steering gear Diagram
12. What type of pump is used in Steering gear, what type of pump is servo pump -> whether servo pump is +ve displacement pump or not?
13. Start of generator.
14. How will you know purifier is working like a purifier and not like a pump?Hussein, date unknown
1. Diesel Generator Startup Procedure.
2. DG one unit not firing.
3. Boiler Water feed pump Diagram & Overhauling
4. Draw screw pump, gear pump, centrifugal pump (don’t forget to show wear ring in centrifugal pump and relief valve in Positive displacement pump)
5. Boiler Chloride Level High actions.
6. COPT starting Procedures.
7. Air Con Accommodation system – diagram. (Single duct or double duct arrangement).
8. How to stop refrigeration system compressor.
9. How to change over refrigeration system compressor.
10. Crankcase and Scavenge space Inspection.
11. How to take LO sample.
12. How to ensure pump running properly.
13. Checks on Purifier.
14. Procedure For emergency steering.
15. What all Boiler tests are conducted.
16. Fire Safety in Engine room.
17. Air compressor Long running hours, causes?Hussein, date unknown
1. Pre Arrival Checks.
2. Checks on Boiler.
3. Checks on DG.
4. Boiler Gauge glass diagram and explain.
5. Boiler Feed System.
6. Boiler Condensate system.
7. Boiler FO service System.
8. Boiler water Chemistry.
9.CO2 system Diagram. (fixed fire fighting system)
10. CO2 room weekly checks.
11. Main Engine Scavenge Fire, Causes, Actions, Inspection of scavenge space.
12. Generator Crankcase inspection.
13. Boiler Feed Pump Draw and overhaul.
14. Steering gear diagram.
15. E/R Crane, How will you inspect.
16. Bilge System Troubleshooting.
17. Vacuum Condenser Diagram.
18. Vacuum Condenser, vacuum not building up (causes and actions)
19. Vacuum Condenser Salinity high (causes and actions)
20. Earth fault Causes, How to rectify.
21. Diesel Generator paralleling.
22. Diesel Generator FO system, diagram and explanation.
23. Starting and reversing of main engine, draw and explain.
24. Fire Watch.Hussein, date unknown
1. Describe a job you have done on a main engine unit (e.g. described Piston Pullout)
2. Boiler Feed Water System draw and explain.
3. Cascade tank to cascade tank System, draw and explain. (this includes feed system, steam system , condensate or drain system)
4. Boiler water Chemistry.
5. Departure checks. (or preparation of engine for departure).
6. FO Purifying system, draw and explain.
7. Oily water Separator – Diagram, explanation, working.
8. Black out Procedures.
9. Functions of watertight and weathertight doors.Leong, date unknown
1. Inert Gas System. Oxygen content going up reasons and actions.
2. Steering Gear Diagram
3. Purifier diagram and explanation.
4. Bilge level not going down, causes and actions.
5. Main Engine Piston Crossectional diagram.
6. Boiler water treatmen -> and its 3 purposes.
7. Emergency Scenario Flooding.
8. Scavenge Fire Actions.
9. Safe watch.
10. Rotary cup burner diagram and explanation.
11. Purifier overflowing reasons.
12. y-jet burner diagram and explanation.
13. Incinerator unit cannot be burned.
14. Annex 1 regulations. (Marpol)
15. Fire Prevention – methods and regulation requirement.
16. Heavy weather precautions.Hussein, date unknown
1. Bottom Platform checks.
2. Main engine Lub oil level drop down suddenly, Causes and actions.
3. Air compreesor Long running alarm, causes and actions.
4. Bilge Pump Long Running alarm, causes and actions.
5. Oil in cascade tank, actions
6. Main engine one unit high exhaust temperature, causes and your actions as an senior engineer.
7. Fuel injector cross-sectional diagram, draw and explain.
8. DG start up and parralleling procedures.
9. Fire tetrahedron.
10. Define and explain chain reaction.
11. Sopep regulations, Sopep kit contents.
12. Oil spill actions.JULY 2017 Hussein
1) Taking over watch
2) bottom platform checks
3) crankcase inspection
4) one unit exhaust temperature high(with cross questions)
5) ows working and operation, compressor long running with cross questions
6) blackout action
7) how will u know purifier not running efficiently
8) L.O purifier overhaul
9) scavenge fire how will you check for it
10) steering gear regulations..JULY 2017 Hussein
1) Taking over
2) One unit exhaust high
3) Fuel injectors, purifier and compressor drawing.
4) Compressor long running causesJULY 2017 Hussein
1) prepare for departure
2) generator starting and paralleling
3) fuel injector
4) service tank fittings
5) fixed co2
6) boiler flame failure
7) hunting gear mechanismQuestions:
1) Pilot onboard, m/e not starting. Actions?
2) Taking over procedure.
3) Boiler gauge glass leaking. What will you do?
4) Boiler not firing. Causes and actions.
5) Generator starting procedure
6) Draw fire detectors
7) Low insulationJuly 2017 David
1) Boiler gauge glass blow down and safeties
2) Crankcase explosion safeties
3) MSB safeties explain
4) Portable extinguishers co2 and foam maintenance
5) Operation
6) Class
7) TestJuly 2017 Hussein
1) Boiler not firing what actions
2) boiler water circ pump draw and overhaul procedure
3) how to ensure purifier is running normally
4) what to do in case of blackout
5) main engine departure
6) air compressor long running hours
7) blackout with new points…
8) Exhaust temp high temp..causes and actionsJuly 2017 David
1. Inert Gas system and alarm and trip and maintenance on IG
2. Boiler mounting and sketch
3. Sketch shell and tube heat exchanger
4. MSB safetiesJuly 2017 David
1 Draw sdnr and label Materials.
How to identify valve is sdnr.
2. Complete bilge system show emergency bilge suction and direct bilge suction line international shore connection
3. Taking over watch in detail
4. Boiler cross section show all mountings nd explain d mountings
5. Purifier cross section. Operation. How to select gravity disc when you take new bunkerJuly 2017 David
1) Draw starting air manifold and explain starting air explosion. And actions to be taken for prevention of starting air explosion
2) Gauge glass blowdown and safeties
3) Taking over watch
4) Draw fuel injector and overhauling procedure-
This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by
This topic was modified 2 years ago by
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This topic was modified 4 months, 4 weeks ago by
This topic was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by
16/08/2022 at 12:31 #14253Updated with 2021 questions:
Leong & David 2021
1. How do you ensure you keep a safe watch?
2. Ship bilge system
-components of the bilge system
-SOLAS requirements, types of valves
-Emergency bilge suction valve, bilge pump what type of pump
3. Aft bilge well level high. Pump running but level not going down
-Reasons, how to troubleshoot, what action to take
4. Turning gear
– Things to check before and during turning of engine
– Why do we need to turn the engine?
– Engine not free to turn: how do we know and what actions to take?
5. Boiler gauge glass
– How to blowdown
– Boiler gauge glass safeties against glass breakage
– Water level missing – where is the water level?
– Boiler water level below gauge glass – what action to take?
6. Boiler water test
– Reasons for carrying out test, what do we test e.g. alkalinity
– Procedure for drawing sample, how do we obtain a representative sample
– Reason for having a cooler at boiler sampling valve outlet
– How do you conduct the water test.
– what can compromise the water testing. (dosage of regent/chemical additives and expiration date.)
7. Handling of hazardous chemicals
– Proper PPE, what is inside MSDS, Ventilation of chemical store, facilities provided for mixing chemicals
8. Fireman equipment
– What equipment
– How many
– SOLAS requirements of firefighting equipment
– BA set safety checks-
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
09/10/2022 at 11:24 #14391Updated with 2022 questions
Unknown examiner (Motor)
– Bilge system: Assignment 008
Draw/explain system
Explain normal operation
Explain Abnormal operation (water rising above bilge wells)
Explain Emergency bilge sea suction
SOLAS requirements for such valve.
Which MARPOL Annex falls under?
Explain/draw Non-return globe valve
Function of compound gauge
High vacuum but little delivery?
Strainers used for?
– Boiler:
Blowdown procedures
Boiler mountings
Scenario: In case of over pressure, safety valve not lifting, how do you relief pressure?
Scenario: low Boiler water, no water, etc.
– Main switchboard:
Safety features and explain
Describe Preferential trips
Blackout: what would happen and SOLAS requirement of emergency generator.
name and describe all annexesUnknown examiner
Describe watchkeeping
Operational parametersUnknown examiner (Motor)
How to take over watch (ER Rounds / Watchkeeping)
Check for? From where to where
How to take over watch (ER Rounds / Watchkeeping)
Bilge system, draw and explain
Remember direction of flow
Usage of fire, bilge and GS Pump (overboard vlv for flooding)
OWS take suction from BHT (not BPT)
Bilge primary tank function
Fire door function
Escape route
DG Parallelling (starting and running checks)
FWG vacuum reading (760mmHg)
Suction and discharge pressure of bilge pump
Village pump type
Positive displacement p/p
> how if got no suction (ans: wrong vlv open, if BHT high, means got leakage somewhere)
Saturday routine (all)
What to check in Emergency Gen
What do you check in LB/RB?
HFO purification temp: 96-102. Why so?Unknown examiner (Motor)
Safety with regards to engine room > PPE, condition of ship, well being, escape route
How to take over watch? How to have a safe watch
Engine room rounds (funnel to bottom deck)
Blow through boiler (how frequent? steps)
What do you inspect on the boiler
Expansion tank water treatment
How to start generator, paralleing, load sharing
Starting air line explosion > how to detect one? What to do if there are signs of air line explosion
Bilge system
Oil mist detectors, where it can be found
From a senior watchkeeper, how to ensure safety in engine roomUnknown examiner (Motor)
1. ME departure preparations
2. How to tell that your ME LO Purifier is doing its job
3. OWS Drawing
4. Boiler feed pump overhaul procedures
5. How to take over a watch
6. D/G Starting
7. Trouble shooting Low Insulation
8. Trouble shooting repetitive boiler flame failure
9. Scavenge space cleaning
10. Taking over of watchUnknown examiner (Motor)
1. Causes and action taken of starting air line
2. Taking over a watch
3. How to blow through gauge glass
4 Why must you blow through gauge glass , and how
do you overhaul a gauge glass when the water side is
5. How do you start your generator manually
6. What is the min temp you have to wait to warm up
before paralleling generator
7. Why must you close the ACB when it is at 11oclock
8. Why cant you close ACB in anticlockwise motion
9. Steering gear maintenance check
10. How to operate emergency steering gear with communication with bridge (draw with sketch and ) and
why is it that emergency steering gear is using 1 motor.
11. 1 hour notice for departure
12. What to check when you are engaging turning gear
and why is it that you engage turning gear.
13. When there is fire on the workshop what are you
suppose to do.
14. What type of extingusher are you suppose to fight
when there is fire in the workshop , and ECR
15. How to overhaul a purifier
16. Safety precaution prior to overhauling purifier
17. Enclosed space entry ( Bilge tank and FO tank )
procedure and precaution
18. How to overhaul a pump and things to take noteUnknown examiner (Motor)
1. Draw bilge system
2. Certs required for MARPOL Annex I
3. Draw sewage system
4. Certs required for MARPOL Annex IV
5. Boiler gauge glass blowdown
6. How to take boiler water sample
7. Boiler feedwater test
Raphael (Steam + Motor)
1. Prepare M/E for departure
2. Prepare M/T for departure
3. Overhauling Boiler Feedwater pump for Motor ships
4. Overhauling Boiler Feedwater pump for Steam Ship
5. Oily Water Separator cross sectional drawingUnknown examiner (Steam + Motor)
1. Prepare M/E for departure
2. Prepare M/T for departure
3. Overhauling Boiler Feedwater pump for Motor ships
4. Overhauling Boiler Feedwater pump for Steam Ship
5. Oily Water Separator cross sectional drawing + Explanation
6. Why Air Compressor take too long to top up air
bottles + What to do
7. Saturday Routine
8. D-Type Boiler
9. Superheater Passes + Steam Flow in Steam ships
10. Blowdown Procedures
11. Gauge glass drawings + How to renew
12. 4/E DutiesUnknown examiner (Motor)
1. Taking over watch procedure
2. Bilges problems, emergency suction is part of solas requirement to connect to largest capacity pump
3. Vacuum gauge pressure, vacuum pressure in mmhg
4. HTFW expansion tank empty, do what, leaking where, how you know which unit, actions taken.
5. Purifier nomogram
6. Boiler gauge blowdown07/02/2023 at 11:30 #14490Updated with 2023 questions
David and Steam examiner, March 2023
A) Propulsion Boilers
– Why Purge main boiler furnace before flashing up?
– Purge Air supplied by what machinery?
– Auto sequential starting of 1st FO Burner via Burner management sys
– MGO Line purged by what medium?
– BOG Line purged by what medium?
– Brief description for flashing/ firing up boiler
– Purpose of Bottom blowdown?
– Steps for scum blowdown
– Atomizing air purpose?
– How is BOG Supplied to M/B From cargo tanks?
– Gas hood room safeties (Gas detector)
– How is De-superheated steam achieved?
– Purpose of De-superheated steam (Services?)
– De-superheated steam temperature: 288-293 C
– Main Boiler Criteria tests?
– 2 types of Chemical Dosing tanks
– What/How much chemical to dose ?
– What kind of burner for Main boiler?
– Types of Fuel mode for Main Boiler (50% FG, 50% FO)
– Common alarms for Main BoilerB) Main Turbine/ Condenser/TG/ Plant ops
– How much Main condenser Vacuum pressure? Purpose of it?
– What is Main turbine Axial displacement ? What to check?
– Explain Auto -Spinning procedures wrt Manoeuvring valve
– Explain why avoid full astern telegraph command wrt astern turbine abnormalities
– Procedures for hand-spinning Main turbine
– Prepare M/T for sea passage/ Procedures for Securing M/T
– Why MT shaft must always be turning?
– Common alarms for Main turbine/ Turbo-Gen
– Purpose of Astern Water spray
– Differences btw Steam plant vs Diesel engine plant
– How to conduct ER watchkeeping for Steamships?2) MOTOR
A) MARPOL (David)
– Explain Annex I, IV, VI + what Certificates/books are needed?
– Standard discharge connection (Annex I, IV, ) location, specificationsB) Bilge system (David)
– Bilge v/v requirement (SDNR)
– At port, how to handle bilge water if bilge tanks/Wells are all full?
– What to do if Bilge level rises above tank top? (ER Flooding)
– Emergency bilge suction v/v purpose + requirement as per SOLAS
– Explain ER bilge managementC) ER Machineries & safety (Rui)
– Explain how starting air line explosion occurs? How to detect?
– What types of +ve displacement pumps are found in ER
– What types of Centrifugal pumps are found in ER
– What kind of pump is Steering gear pump?
– Steering Gear SOLAS Requirements
– What pump is Aux Boiler FO Burning pump?D) Firefighting (David)
– International shore connection purpose, locations, and specifications
– ER FFA inspection? How and what to inspect?E) Explain what are the 8 ROs recognised by MPA (David)
Unknown examiner (Motor)
1. Bilge system – went through line tracing, emergency bilge (mentioning highest capacity pump), what to do when there’s flooding
2. Boiler – gauge glass blowdown, what to do when boiler is over-pressurised
3. Pumps – what kind of pump is bilge pump, how to tell non-return valve from other valves
4. Watchkeeping – what to do during round checks, what to check for cascade tank when conducting round checks
5. MARPOLLeong and Rui, Feb 2023
A) Annex I
i) International shore connection: location, purpose, special features, specifications
ii) Standard discharge connections: location, purpose, special features, specifications, which convention it is under
B) Annex IV
i) Certification required
ii) What to do when vessel is in port
iii) How to manage sewage
iv) STP – draw and explain, different types, what is the importance of blower, indication of anaerobic bacteria in system, purpose of sludge air lift
2. PSC Regime
3. CIC
4. Classification societies recognised by MPA
5. Ship fire plan location and purpose
6. Bilge system – Scolding on TARB bilge diagram and drawings, what type of gauges fitted on suction and discharge, why different type, and types of gauges. Troubleshoot and explain actions taken when pump is running but bilge well level not reducing, as well as suction gauge side showing 0 bar pressure.
7. Boiler
A) Boiler gauge glass – blow down, if water level rises, but suddenly drops when steam is introduced, where is the water level and what’s the next action taken. Fittings on gauge glass, number of gauge glass, gauge glass regulations, what to do if one gauge glass is not visible.
B) Boiler stays – purpose of boiler stays, how it is tightened and how to identify if loose.
C) Boiler foundation – how to check.
D) Boiler safety valve – drain is fitted for what purpose.
8. Watchkeeping – how to take rounds.
9. Electrical
A) Earth fault system – How many onboard and what do the indications mean. How to know when to take action. What does dim, no light and bright lamp means.
B) Main switchboard – safeties, colour coding on switchboard meanings, preferential trip, how does it occur and what happens during a preferential trip.
10. Steam system – where does it supply, purpose and operation of tracing steam.-
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02/11/2024 at 09:21 #14984Updated with 2024 questions
David and 1 examiner, Dec 2024
1. Bilge system
A) Explain the pipe line drawing.
B) What are the requirements to pump out Bilge water.
C) Why is the bilge pump a certain type?
D) Differences between Positive Displacement pump and Centrifugal pump.2. Non-return valve
A) Explain the difference between normal globe valve and NRV.3. Class Societies
A) MPA’s 9 RO4. How to start an put a generator on load, in a safe procedure
5. Standard Shore Connection
A) Dimensions?
B) What items are present? (i.e. spanner etc)6. International Shore Connection
A) Dimensions?
B) Purpose
C) LocationDavid and Rui, Oct 2024
1. Bilge system
A) Bilge well high level, started bilge pump but bilge well level is not reducing.
2. MPA’s 8 RO
3. IMO conventions-
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