Angle of loll
is angle at which GZ changes from negative to zero
Angle of loll is a term used to describe the state of a ship which is unstable when upright (ie: has a negative metacentric height, GM) and therefore takes on an angle of heel to either port or starboard.
When a vessel has negative GM i.e., is in unstable equilibrium, any external force, if applied the vessel, will cause it to start heeling.
For correction of angle of loll, refer to the document
1. Alter course to put ship’s head into the predominant waves
2. Check listing moments
3. Check for slack tanks/ Minimise free surfaces (transfer fuel if necessary)
4. Take action to lower G (reduce KG – discharge ballast from high side tank first)
5. Ballast tanks low down in the ship.
Plus refer correction of angle of loll document