To test boiler steam pressure does not exceed 10% above WP. In other words, to test that the boiler safety valves are appropriate for the boiler, does it release steam fast enough to prevent steam pressure exceeding 10% above WP.
*Boiler safety valves are set at 3% above WP.
So how come it’s possible for boiler steam pressure to increase above 3%? Shouldn’t the boiler safety valves prevent it?
When the boiler is firing max load, the safety valves would be lifting, sitting down again, lifting, sitting down etc. Not kept constantly open
What is the procedure of accumulation pressure test?
This test is carried out a new boiler or new safety valve.
1. Shut off feed water
2. Close main steam stop valve.
3. Increase cut off pressure of boiler.
4. Bypass high pressure cut off of the boiler.
5. Arrange the boiler fire rate to a maximum.
6. Safety valve will be lift during the test.
7. The test is carried out as long as the water permits in the boiler.
8. Accumulation pressure should not exceed 10% of working pressure in the specified time.
9. Specified time is 15 mins for a smoke tube boiler and 7 mins for water tube boiler.