Tagged: class, status report, survey
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02/01/2023 at 12:53 #14454
02/01/2023 at 13:54 #14455Lloyd’s Register Class Survey Status Report
1. Asset details
– Name, date of build, GT etc.2. Schedule Details
A) Hull
i) Annual – 1 year
ii) Special – 5 years
iii) Bottom – 3 yearsB) Machinery
i) Steam pipes – 5 years
ii) Screwshaft – 5 years
iii) Auxiliary boiler – 3 years
iv) Continuous Machinery Survey – 5 yearsC) Ballast Water
i) Annual – 1 year
ii) Renewal – 5 yearsD) MARPOL I (Oil)
i) Annual – 1 year
ii) Renewal – 5 yearsE) MARPOL IV (Sewage)
i) Renewal – 5 yearsF) MARPOL VI (Air)
i) Annual – 1 year
ii) Renewal – 5 yearsG) SafCon (Safety Construction)
i) Annual – 1 year
ii) Renewal – 5 yearsH) Safety Equipment
i) Annual – 1 year
ii) Renewal – 5 years* I) Bulk cargoes groups A, B & C
i) Annual – 1 year
ii) Renewal – 5 years* J) Danagerous Goods Reg. 19
i) Annual – 1 year
ii) Renewal – 5 yearsK) Load line
i) Inspection – 1 year
ii) Renewal – 5 yearsL) Radiotel.
i) Periodical – 1 year
ii) Renewal – 5 yearsM) Lifting appliances
i) Annual – 1 year
ii) Renewal – 5 yearN) International Safety Management Code
i) Renewal – 5 yearsO) Maritime Labour Convention
i) Renewal – 5 yearsP) International Ship & Port Security Code
i) Renewal – 5 yearsQ) Inventory of Hazardous Materials
i) Annual – 1 year
ii) Renewal – 5 years3. Conditions of Class
e.g. CoC-H-011, Imposed date: D/M/Y, Due date: D/M/Y, Category: Hull, Report number: xxxxxx, Description: No. 4 cargo hold hatch cover rubber packing channel and rain channel corroded. Permanent repairs to be specially examined and dealt with to the satisfaction of the attending surveyor.
4. Statutory Findings
5. Actionable Items
6. Asset Notes
7. Task Details
A) HULL (For items within same group and share same survey activity, I grouped them under same point to save space. *Every survey item is listed separately*)
ii) Special survey
– Vessel group:
Examine windows and side scuttles and verify efficiency. Means of closure examined for any signs of leakage, if necessary, renew gaskets and carry out high pressure hose test.
Thickness measurements.
Opening Survey Meeting held, use LR form.
– Propulsion, Shafting and Gearing group: Bow Thruster Athwartship Thrust Propeller
Examine support structure where applicable.
– Ship Control Equipment group: Helm Indicator
Examine and test in operation.
– Pumping and Valve Equipment group: Cylinder Oil hand pump, eductor/hand pumps
– System group: Bilge & Ballast lines & fittings
Examine and operational test to working pressure
– Tank group: Fresh Water, F.O, D.O, L.O, Bilge, Sludge, Feedwater, Cooling Water, Water Ballast tanks
Overall survey.
Examine Sounding Pipe including doublings under/striking plates or sounding device.
– Tank group: Water Ballast tanks
Overall survey.
Examine Sounding Pipe including doublings under/striking plates or sounding device.
Examine protective coating.
Examine under bell mouth suctions and strums.
– Cargo Hold group: No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cargo hold and cargo hold hatchways
Overall survey.
– No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Hold Cargo Hatchways: Hatch coaming, hatch cover & closing appliances
Overall survey.
Thickness measurements.
Tightness test.
– Deck group: Forward and aft deck plating
Examine plating.
– Deck group: Main deck plating
Examine small hatches, manhole and miscellaneous deck openings including closing appliances (casings or covers of air, sounding, steam and other pipes, spar ceiling and lining in way of the side scuttles to be removed as required.)
– Deck group: Gangways, walkways and lifelines
Load test.
– Deck group: Ventilators and air pipes and closing appliances
Internal examination of air pipes, ventilators including closing appliances.
– Deck group: Scuppers, sanitary discharges and valves
Examine scuppers/sanitary discharges and valves and test once reassembled.
– Deck group: Guard rails and bulwarks
Examine guard rails/wires, bulwarks and freeing ports as fitted.
– Deck structures group: No. 1, 2, 3, 4 cargo deck crane pedestals
Examine including surrounding support structures.
– Superstructure and deckhouse group: Deck house
Examine deckhouse including closing appliances and weathertight doors.
Examine windows and storm shutters where applicable.
– Superstructure and deckhouse group: Deckhouse, companionways and closing appliances
Examine deckhouses including closing appliances and weathertight doors.
Examine windows and storms shutters where applicable.
– Superstructure and deckhouse group: Accommodation superstructures
– Spaces group: Forepeak store, Bow Thruster room, Engine Room, Steering Gear space, Accommodation and recreation space, Aft working & stores spaces, Forward starboard paint storeroom, Forward port store space, Under Engines examination, Under Boiler examination
Overall survey.
– Spaces group: CO2 room, Emergency Generator room, Emergency Fire Pump room, Machinery Space examination
Overall survey.
Examine means of escape from machinery space.
– Spaces group: Void spaces
Thickness measurements.
Overall survey.
– Spaces group: Engine room double bottom cofferdam, pipe tunnel duct keel
– Spaces group: Port and Starboard chain locker
Examine bitter end.
– Spaces group: Rudder trunk, Engine Room escape trunk
Examine including access and escape routes.
– Spaces group: Engine Room high and low suction crossover duct
– Spaces group: Casings and their closing appliances
Examine including closing appliances.
– Anchoring, mooring and tethering group: Anchors
Examine all anchors (including spare).
– Anchoring, mooring and tethering group: Chain cables
– Anchoring, mooring and tethering group: Port and Starboard Windlass machinery
Examine chain stopper support structure.
Examine structure and support structure.
– Shell and appendages group: Shell Plating
Thickness measurements.
Examine plating.
Examine plating in way of shell openings.
Examine shall plating in way of overboard discharge valve and hull connection, including thickness measurement as considered necessary.
– Shell and appendages group: Sternframe, Rudder
– Shell and appendages group: Seachests
Thickness measurements.
Examine seachest including gratings.
– Ramp and door group: Water Tight Doors
Examine and test in operation.iii) Bottom survey
– Vessel group:
Check the country files to ascertain any Flag Administration requirements.
Confirm the Ship’s Survey status has been reviewed at the time of the BTMS for items normally carried out in drydock which may become due prior to the next drydocking.
Endorse the Cargo Ship Safety Construction or Cargo Ship Safety Certificate in respect to the date of inspection of the ship’s bottom.
Examine Draught Marks or reliable indicating system.
Indicate whether the Bottom Survey was carried out in a dry dock or afloat.
Satisfactory examination of keel, stern, sternframe, rudder(s), seachests, sea suctions and overboard discharge valves.
– Tailshaft survey: Sternbush
If Bottom Survey carried out in drydock/slipway, examine facilities to enable measurement of the sterntube weardown (poler gauge readings) during In-Water Survey.
Examine Shaft Seals and measure clearance of bearings.
Examine sternbush fastenings and gratings at the sea inlets.
– Tailshaft survey: Propeller
Examine externally including gear housing, propeller blades, bolt locking and other fastening arrangements.
Verifying sealing arrangement of propeller blades, propeller shaft and steering column.
– Bow Thruster Athwartship Thrust Propeller: Manoeuvring/positioning propeller
Examine externally including gear housing, propeller blades, bolt locking and other fastening arrangements.
Verify sealing arrangement of propeller blades, propeller shaft and steering column.
– Anchoring, mooring and tethering group: Chain cables
When ranged, examine.
– Shell and appendages group: Shell plating
Examine protective coating of external shell plating.
If Bottom Survey carried out in drydock/slipway, is Anti-fouling paint applied to the underwater portion of the hull?
Examine the condition of the paint system applied to the underwater portion of the hull.
Confirm any paint system application reported in the narrative, including touch up details.
Confirm Actionable Item for High Resistance Paint exists.
Examine appendages including their attachments and bilge keels where fitted.
– Shell and appendages group: Rudder
Pressure test as deemed necessary.B) MACHINERY
i) Steam pipes
– Thermal transfer equipment group: Steam pipe installation
Hydraulic test of steam pipe(s).
Internal examination including adjacent pipes in way of removed section.ii) Screwshaft
– Tailshaft survey: Tailshaft
Examine inboard bearing.
NDE – Crack detection of cone/flange.
Verify monitoring records.
– Tailshaft survey: Sternbush
Examine bearings.
Measure clearance of bearings.
Measure weardown of bearing(s) and confirm found to be within acceptable limits.
Review of circulating oil/water analysis record.
– Tailshaft survey: Inner approved oil gland
Examine and confirm tight.
– Tailshaft survey: Propeller
Examine.iii) Auxiliary boiler
– Thermal transfer equipment group: Auxiliary composite boiler (other than main)
Examine ancillary equipment in operation.
Examine and test in operation low water level fuel cut off devices.
Examine boiler controls in operation.
Examine externally.
Examine Feedwater equipment.
Examine fire side (structure and securing arrangements).
Examine internally (and check fit of doors).
Examine mountings and fittings (other than steam stop valve).
Functional test of alarms and safeguards.
Review feed water treatment/chemistry records.
Review operation, maintenance and repair history records.
Safety valve adjustment under steam at not more than 103% of the approved design pressure.
Test in operation boiler emergency shut down arrangements.
– Auxiliary composite boiler (other than main): Steam stop valves
– Auxiliary composite boiler (other than main): Front oil burning unit
Examine in operation.
General examination of the fuel tank valves, pipes, deck control gear and oil discharge pipes between pumps and burners.iv) Continuous Machinery Survey
– Machinery: Vessel group
Examine electrical equipment in hazardous areas.
Examine all hazardous/essential piping, including valves, filters, fittings and controls, excluding bilge or ballast.
Examine and test bridge controls.
Examine and test first arrangements.
Examine assembly for port and starboard discharge valves.
Examine assembly for port and starboard sea suction valves.
For UMS Notation – Examine and test bridge and accommodation alarm repeater panels.
For UMS Notation – Examine and test automated machinery local hand controls.
For UMS Notation – Examine and test machinery control station.
For UMS Notation – Test automatic activation of engineers alarm.
For UMS Notation – Test automatic starting of standby machinery.
For UMS Notation – Test the means of communication between the navigating bridge and machinery control positions.
– Engine group: Inline crosshead engine
Examine air start valves and control unit(s) in operation.
Test high temperature slow down and shut down function as applicable.
Examine and test in operation.
Examine and test in operation.
Examine and test starting arrangements (starting air lines, valves and fittings as applicable, hydraulic test where necessary).
Functional test of alarms, controls and safeguards.
Verification of onboard operating and maintenance manual.
Examine holding down bolts and chocks
Examine scavenge relief devices.
Examine externally mounted means of mechanical drive.
– Inline crosshead engine: No.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Cyl, cover, piston, rod, valves and gears
Examine including cylinder cover, piston, piston rod and associated valves and gears.
– Inline crosshead engine: No.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Conn. rod, top end and guides
Examine including crosshead pin, bearing, guides and slippers.
– Inline crosshead engine: No.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Crankpin, bearing and webs
Examine including crankpin bearing and adjacent crank webs.
– Inline crosshead engine: No.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Main journal and bearing
Examine including main bearing.
– Inline crosshead engine: No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Fuel injection pump
– Inline crosshead engine: Camshaft drive
Examine camshaft and drive and balancer unit.
– Inline crosshead engine: Crankcase doors and relief devices
Examine flame guards and sailing arrangements.
Examine including door fastenings, access arrangements and test relief devices.
– Inline crosshead engine: Thrust
Examine including verification of crankshaft deflections in accordance with manufacturers specification limits.
– Inline crosshead engine: Bedplate
– Inline crosshead engine: Axial damper
– Inline crosshead engine: Turbocharger
– Inline crosshead engine: Forward electric scavenge blower
Examine and test.
– Inline crosshead engine: Aft electric scavenge blower
Examine and test.
– Inline crosshead engine: Air cooler
Pressure test cooler and safety valve adjustment where necessary.
– Inline crosshead engine: M/E Governor
Examine and test including shutdowns.
– Engine group: Starboard, centre, port, emergency generator aux. engine
Examination in entirety including holding arrangements.
Examine and test in operation.
Functional test of alarms, controls and safeguards.
– Bow thruster athwartship thrust propeller: Manoeuvring/positioning seal, propeller
– Propulsion shafting excluding tailshaft: Intermediate shaft and bearings
Examine including bulkhead shaft seal and bearing.
– Ship control equipment group: Steering gear unit
Examine hydraulic lines and fittings.
Examine and test under working conditions.
Examine electrical parts of steering gear.
Test bridge controls to steering flat.
– Steering gear unit: Telemotor, linear piston unit
– Steering gear unit: No.1 and 2 pump
Examine and test including drive type.
– Thermal transfer equipment group: Main Engine Jacket Fresh Water Cooling Cooler
Examine and test.
– Thermal transfer equipment group: Main Engine No.1 and 2 Central Fresh Water Cooler, Main Engine L.O cooler, No.1, 2, 3 Auxiliary Engine Fresh Water Cooler, Boiler Fuel Oil Cooler, Aux Boiler Fuel Oil Heater, Main Engine No.1, 2 Fuel Oil Heater, Fuel Oil Separator Heater.
Examine and test.
– Auxiliary electrical equipment: Starboard, Centre, Port, Emergency Auxiliary Generator, governor and ancillary equipment
Internal examination.
Examine cables.
External examination and test including functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
Verify insulation resistance tests.
– Auxiliary electrical equipment: Main Switchboard, protective devices and fittings
Examine and test sections boards protective devices and fittings.
Verify insulation resistance tests.
– Auxiliary electrical equipment: Essential services section boards, protective devices and fittings
Examine and test section boards protective devices and fittings.
Verify insulation resistance tests.
– Auxiliary electrical equipment: Main lighting section boards, protective devices and fittings
Examine and test section boards protective devices and fittings.
Verify insulation resistance tests.
– Auxiliary electrical equipment: Section and distribution boards
Examine and test section boards protective devices and fittings.
Verify insulation resistance tests.
– Auxiliary electrical equipment: Lighting distribution transformers
Examine including insulation fluid test where applicable.
– Auxiliary electrical equipment: Emergency source of power
Test automatic starting of generator.
Internal examination.
Examine cables.
External examination and test including functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
Verify insulation resistance tests.
– Auxiliary electrical equipment: Emergency distribution arrangements
Examine including insulation fluid test where applicable.
– Pumping and valve equipment group: Emergency fire pump, Fire & G.S pump, Fire & Bilge pump, Ballast pump, Engine Room Bilge pump, No. 1 & 2 Main S.W Cooling pump, No. 1 & 2 S.W Pressure pump, Main Engine No. 1 & 2 Low Temperature Fresh Water pump, Main Engine No. 1 & 2 High Temperature Fresh Water pump, Aux Boiler No. 1 & 2 Feedwater pump, Feedwater transfer pump, Main Engine L.O Circulating pump, Main Engine L.O Standby pump, Main Engine Camshaft No. 1 & 2 L.O pump, Cylinder Oil Transfer pump, L.O transfer pump, Sterntube L.O pump, Sterntube transfer pump, Main Engine Fuel Oil Booster pump, Main Engine Fuel Oil Circulating pump, Auxiliary Engine Fuel Oil Circulating pump, Aux Boiler No. 1 & 2 Fuel Oil Service pump, Fuel Oil Transfer pump, Diesel Oil Transfer pump, Sludge pump
Examine and test including drive type.
– Pressure Equipment Group: No. 1, 2, Service Air Compressor and safety devices
Examine and test including drive type and safety devices.
– Pressure Equipment Group: No. 1, 2, Service, Control Air Receiver and safety devices
Examine and test including safety devices and hydraulic test where necessary.
– System group: Accommodation alarm system
Examine and functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
Examine and test.
Examine and test accommodation alarm repeater panels and automatic activation of engineers alarm.
– System group: Bilge level detection system.
Functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
– System group: Pumping arrangements – Bilge & Ballast lines & fittings
Examine piping and draining arrangements, associated valves, cocks & strainers to be opened up as necessary.
Working test including emergency suction.
– System group: Propulsion control, bridge/main control station
Examine and test.
– System group: Starting and control air systems
Examine and test including functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
– System group: Electric generating plant alarms, controls and safeguards
Examine and functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
– System group: Auxiliary electrical equipment – Cables
Functional test of alarms, controls and safeguards.
Examine and test lighting.
Examine electric and data cables including integrity of cable penetrations.
Verify insulation resistance tests for electric cables.
– System group: Fire detection system
Examine and test including functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
– System group: Auxiliary electrical equipment – Navigation lights indicators & system
Examine and functional test of lights, alarms, controls and safeguards.
– System group: Oil heater alarms, controls & safeguards
Examine and test including functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
– System group: Main Engine Oil Mist Detector
Examine and test including functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
– System group: Fuel Oil & L.O Transfer and Storage systems
Examine and functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
– System group: Control engineering systems
Examine and functional test of alarms, controls and safeguards.
– System group: Main propulsion alarms, controls and safeguards
Examine and functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
– System group: Incinerator alarms, controls & safeguards
Examine and test including functional test of control engineering alarms, controls and safeguards.
– Tank group: Main Engine Stuffing Box Drain tank, Main Engine Scavenge Box Drain tank, Fresh Water Pressure tank, Sea Water Pressure tank, Cylinder Oil Measuring tank, Incinerator Waste Oil tank, Main Engine High Temperature Fresh Water Expansion tank, Main Engine Low Temperature Fresh Water Expansion tank, Sterntube L.O Gravity tank
Examine externally.
– Anchoring, mooring and tethering group: Port and Starboard windlass machinery
Examine electrical and hydraulic equipment.
Examine and test including gypsy, brake and associated equipment.-
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