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24/01/2020 at 13:01 #198
Marpol stands for International convention for the prevention of pollution.
73 convention/ 78 protocol. 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978, Came to force on 1983.convention; an agreement between states covering particular matters
protocol; is a draft of official document signed by partiesDeveloped by IMO to prevent pollution of seas.
Marpol = MarinePollution
Annex 1 – Prevention of pollution by Oil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx_6Hc8dvwM
Annex 2 – Prevention of pollution by Noxious liquid in bulk; Noxious liquid as identified in International bulk chemical code(IBC)
Annex 3 – Prevention of pollution by Harmful substances in packaged form; Substance identified as pollutants in the International maritime dangerous goods. (IMDG)
Annex 4 – Prevention of pollution of Sewage
Annex 5 – Prevention of pollution by Garbage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRXKoXjhq80
Annex 6 – Prevention of pollution by Air https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1fmg5jyTZE
Marpol Annex 1 – prevention of pollution by Oil
Regulation 1 – Special Area
- Black Sea
- Red Sea
- Baltic Sea
- Antarctic Sea
- Meditaridean Sea
- Gulf Sea
- Gulf of Aden
- North West European
- Gulf of Oman
- South of South Africa Sea
Regulation 4 – Discharge to Sea
- Discharge to sea to save lives or safety of ship, or damage to ship.
- Provide precaution taken after damage
Regulation 12 – Ship piping and Tank
- Ship of 400Gt and above with tank of capacity, to be able to contain oil residue which cannot be dealt with
- Tanks to be designed and constructed to facilitate discharge to shore reception facility
- Piping to / from sludge tank have no connection overboard except Shore reception facility/ bilge connection
- Have pump designed to take suction
Regulation 13 – Standard Discharge connection
- OD 215
- PCD 183
- 6 holes, 22mm in diameter
- Flange thickness 20mm
- Bolt nut quality and diameter
- Flange accept pipe to inner diameter 125mm
- Oil proof gasket to 6 bar
Regulation 13 F of Annex 1 of MARPOL, requires double hulls for newly built oil tankers of 5000 deadweight tonnage and above.
Regulation 14 – Oil Filter Equipment
- Above 400 GT to have OWS to clean to 15ppm maximum, with 3way overboard if more than 15ppm
- Less than 400 GT to retain oil onboard
Regulation 15 – Special Areas
- Discharge of oil is prohibited
- To Discharge of oil inside and outside special area, Vessel must be
- Enroute
- Oil mixture pass through OWS, not more than 15ppm
- Not from cargo pump room bulge, and not mix with cargo residue
- Must have Autoshut down
Regulation 17 – Oil record book
- Tanker of 150GT Tanker, Ship of 400GT must have Oil record book
- Oil record book to state whenever
- Filling or cleaning Fuel tank
- Disposal of Oily residue
- Transferring or discharge bilge through OWS
- Accidental discharge to be recorded in Oil record book
- Oil record book keep for 3 years
- Any failure of Oil filtering equipment record in oil record book
Oily record book coding
(A) Ballasting or cleaning of oil fuel tanks
(B) Discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from oil fuel tank
(C) Collection and disposal of oil residues
(D) Non-automatic discharge overboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces
(E) Automatic discharge overboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces
(F) Condition of the oil filtering equipment
(G) Accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil
(H) Bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil
(I) Additional operational procedures and general remarksRegulation 37 – Shipboard oil pollution prevention Plan
- As per the MARPOL requirement under Annex I
- all ships with 400 GT and above must carry an oil prevention plan
- The Gross tonnage requirement for oil tanker is 150 GT
- Master of the ship is the overall in charge of the SOPEP of the ship,
- Along with the chief officer as subordinate in charge for implementation of SOPEP on board.
- SOPEP also describes the plan for the master, officer and the crew of the ship to tackle various oil spill scenario that can occur on a ship.
Contents of SOPEP
SOPEP contains the following things:
- SOPEP contains the general information about the ship and the owner of the ship etc.
- The action plan contains duty of each crew member at the time of spill, including emergency muster and actions.
- On board Reporting procedure and requirement in case of oil spill is described, Authorities to contact and reporting requirements in case of oil spill are listed in SOPEP.
- Steps and procedure to contain the discharge of oil into the sea using SOPEP equipment.
- SOPEP includes drawing of various fuel lines, along with other oil lines on board vessel with positioning of vents, save all trays etc, General arrangement of ship is also listed in SOPEP, which includes location of all the oil tanks with capacity, content etc.
- The location of the SOPEP locker and contents of the locker with a list of inventory.
Scenario of Oil spill
- Transferring of oil tank to tank
- Bunkering
- Disposal of sludge
- Collision
- Grounding
Marpol Annex IV – prevention of pollution by Sewage
- Applied to ship above 400Gt, Ship carry more than 15 ppl
- Discharge to sea only necessary for safety of ship, provided all precaution taken
- Ship is issued with international sewage pollution prevention certificate Survey initial when ship is built, subsequent 5 years interval, unless major change to system
- Sewage treatment plant to be approved by administration
- Discharge connection
- OD 210
- PCD 170
- 4 holes with 18mm
- 4 nuts with bolt 16mm
- Discharge if sewage without sewage treatment plant, untreated 12nm at moderate speed not less than 4 knots.
Treated sewage, 3nm, must not produce solid or discoloration.
Marpol Annex V – prevention of pollution by Garbage
- Must be comminuted and grounded food waste below 25mm, more than 3 nautical mile from nearest land
- If not comminuted and grounded, more than 12nm from nearest land
- Ship more than 12m in length must have a placard to notify crew
- Ship more than 400gt, carry more than 15 person to have a garbage management plan
- Discharge operation must be recorded in garbage record book and sign by master
- Each indication must include date, position of ship, description
Garbage record book to be kept for 2 years
- Garbage management plan to consist of following
- Ship details
- Overview of annex 5
- Placards to be place for disposal critera
- Possible local recycling arrangement
- Written procedure for collecting garbage
- Garbage segregation description, garbage storing method
- Entry to be made in garbage record book
- Training and education to crew to facilitate procress
- Identify location of each collection point
Marpol Annex VI – prevention of pollution by Air
Regulation 5 – Surveys
Every ship issued with international Air pollution prevention Certificate, renewable every 5 years with annual or intermediate survey.
Regulation 12 – Ozone Depleting Substances
Examples of ODS, CFCS, Halon, methy chloroform and methyl bromide.
any deliberate emissions of ozone-depleting substances shall be prohibited. Deliberate emissions include emissions occurring in the course of maintaining, servicing, repairing or disposing of systems or equipment
Does not apply to permanently sealed equipment containing ozone- depleting substances
Ship constructed on / after 19may2005 with installation containing ODS is prohibited.
The substances referred to in this regulation, and equipment containing such substances, shall be delivered to appropriate reception facilities when removed from ships.
All records must be made on Ozone record book
Regulation 13 – Nitrogen oxide (NOX) technical code
Does not apply to engine output less than 130kW
Does not apply to Emergency engine for Emergency Generator & Lifeboat
NOx technical code
1) Consist of Tier 1,2 & 3.
2) Tier 3 enforced after Jan 2016
3) For tier 3, below are the limit nox for different Rpm of engine
- 3.4g/kWh for n <130 rpm
- 9 x n^(-0.2) g/kwh for 130 <= 130 < 2000rpm
- 1.96g/kWh for n>= 2000Rpm
N = Rpm of engine
g/kwh of Nox LimitRegulation 14 – Sulphur Oxide (Sox) and Particulate Matter – harms vegetation, monuments, acid rain.
Jan 2020 – Cap worldwide 0.5% from previous 3.5%
At ECA area- 0.1% m/m as of jan 2015
Regulation 15 – Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
- Tanker carrying crude oil must carry a VOC management plan.
- Management plan to include procedure to minimize VOC emission, deal with additional voc generatored, and identify a person responsible
Regulation 16 – Shipboard incineration
Incineration of following is prohibited –
- Heavy metal- cadmium, mercury, lead
- Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBS) lubricants for electrical equipment, transformer etc.
- All plastic is prohibited, except polyvinyl chlorides(PVC) can be incinerated in IMO approved incinerator.
The 3 derivation of plastics are
- Poly vinyl chlorides PVCS – raincoat, pvc pipes, flex water hoses, electric cables
- Polypropylene – food packs, plastic stickers/ sign
- Polyethylene – Plastic bags, Garbage bags.
- Refined petroleum products contain halogen compound
- Exhaust gas cleaning system residues
- Residues of cargo from Annex 1,2,3
Type of Approved incinerators
- Continuous feed type incinerator- waste shall not be fed in unit when gas outlet is below 850 Degree C
- Batch loaded type – Combustion chamber gas outlet temperature reach 600 degree C within 5 minute after start up and stabilize at temperature not less than 850 Degree C
Regulation 18 – Fuel oil Availability and quality
Fuel oil quality
- Fuel oil must be free from inorganic acid, not included added substance or chemical waste
- All bunker supplies should be recorded in bunker delivery note and retained for 3 years
- A representative sample signed by supplier and ship staff kept onboard for 12 months, sample bottle not less than 400ml
25/01/2020 at 11:02 #238I have a question: Does this also apply to Singapore waters?
26/01/2020 at 10:45 #240Hello sailermoon,
“All ships flagged under countries that are signatories to MARPOL are subject to its requirements, regardless of where they sail and member nations are responsible for vessels registered on their national ship registry.”
Singapore as a global shipping hub is one of the signatory.
02/09/2020 at 12:26 #13455But how much exactly is 15ppm?
“PPM = parts per million
PPM is a term used in chemistry to denote a very, very low concentration of a solution. One gram in 1000 ml is 1000 ppm and one thousandth of a gram (0.001g) in 1000 ml is one ppm. One thousanth of a gram is one milligram and 1000 ml is one liter, so that 1 ppm = 1 mg per liter = mg/Liter.”
02/09/2020 at 12:57 #13459Another Question regarding Marpol Annex 1,
Special Areas; What is the differences in regulations between discharging of oil in machinery spaces in special area and non special area?
In Both special and non special area, since these critierias are to be made, are all similar
1) Ship must be enroute
2) Must pass through Oily water separator meeting requirement of regulation 14,
3) Must not exceed 15 ppm
4) Must not mix with cargo oil residue.The Catch is, only in Antartic area ( which is a also special area) that any discharge of oil is prohibited. Kindly correct if im wrong.
And so why are the other special areas so call name special areas in annex 1 ?
09/09/2020 at 15:30 #13717Some amendments made to the marpol from MEPC ( marine environment protection committee) on MAY 2019
Marpol ammendments
- Allow use of electronic record books, Garbage record book, oil record book, garage record book etc. 1/10/2020
- Ammendment to cargo Annex II’s Cargo residues and tank washings of persistent floating noxious liquid substances; The amendments add new paragraphs to Annex II Regulation 13 – Control of discharges of residues of noxious liquid substances, to require prewash and discharge of residue/water mixture generated during the prewash to a reception facility, for specific products, in specified areas (North West European waters, Baltic Sea area, Western European waters and Norwegian Sea). 1/1/2021
- EEDI regulations for ice-strengthened ships 1/10/2020
- Codes ammendments
- IBC code ( ammendments to index of product in ibc code, products with do not apply with Ibc code, minimum requirements 1/1/2021
- Nox technical code ammentment ( amendment to requirements of diesel engines fitted with selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems) 1/10/2020
- Exhaust gas cleaning system ( scrubber) review of the 2015 Guidelines on Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS),
- Sulphur limit – global sulphur cap 0.5% 1/1/2020
Marine plastic little action plan -plans to meet the sea plastic free
Ballast water treatment treaty – changes to implementation on the timeline on data gathering & a experience building phase13/09/2020 at 10:18 #13728Anyone have more detailed information on the possible proposed future annexes?
Annex VII – Prevention of pollution by Ballast water
Annex VIII- Prevention of pollution by Anti fouling paint
Annex IX – Prevention of pollution by noise from ship
Annex X – Prevention of pollution by vibration from ship24/01/2024 at 14:58 #14551 -
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