Tagged: COC 1 ORAL
- This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 months, 2 weeks ago by
12/05/2020 at 11:47 #575
Date is not known unless otherwise stated. Posted in reverse chronological order.
LATEST2024 updates
Date: 23-Oct-2024
Time: 0930 am4 candidate- 3 pass 1 assignment
1. Inclining experiment in detail. Focusing on preparation before carrying out experiment.
2. STP diagram. Focusing on all necessary installation checked by PSC. To confirm STP optimum performance
3. How to check healthy steering, causes of steering gear erratic functioning
4. Steering gear regulations
5. How to train 3rd eng for AE overhaul. Concentrating on SMS (ISM), planning for overhaul, assessment of 3rd eng to overhaul AE. Monitoring safety, and documentation.
6. Emergency steering gear trying out frequency. And why 1ce in 3 months.Date: 02-Oct-2024
Time: 0330pm
Examiner: Rui
Questions asked:
1) SOLAS regulations of IG system
2) IG system drawing and explanation
3) Emcy Gen Auto Circuit drawing
4) Difference btw Tie Breaker and Circuit breaker
5) Actions as a CE if EDG not starting automatically during PSC inspection
6) Difference between Statutory certificates and Mandatory CertificatesAssignments:
1. Statutory and Mandatory Certificates
2. Difference between Tie breaker and Circuit breakerSubmitted on 3rd Oct, 0930am.
Along with the assignment explanation,
1. Stern tube seal renewal at dry dock.
A) What are the clearances taken
3. ISM codeDate: 25 Sep 2024
Examiner: David (online)Lifeboat SOLAS regulations
AVR and Reverse power sketch.
ISPS codeDate: 11-Sep-2024
Time: 11:00
Total: 4person
Verdict: David & RuiQuestions:
1. High voltage instruments (mandatory to carry onboard in high voltage ship).
2. Reverse power relay. (drawing, explanation and if happened reverse power trip on-board as a chief engineer, what is your action).
3. Details about CII, EEDI, EEOI, EEXI. (the whole energy efficiency and carbon emissions reduce Process).
4. ISM certification in details.
5. MLC certification.Date: 04-Sep-2024
Examiner: David and Rui
Total appeared- 3 guys (2-pass with assignment, 1-fail)1) Crosshead bearing failure. Identify, causes and action as CE
2) Reverse power sketch & explain.
3) MLC certification issuing procedure.
4) Steering failure, cause and action.
5) CIC. What is next CIC for this year
6) What is criminal penalty if ships make accident or pollution
7) Main switch board safety.
8) Stern tube drawing all seals and explanationDate: 21-Aug-2024
Time: 0930AM
Examiner: David and RuiQuestions:
1. Draw High Lift Boiler safety valve
2. Safety valve survey & SOLAS requirement
3. ISM
4. CIC 2024
5. LO Emulsification
7. Annex 6 Chapter 4
8. Blackout in heavy traffic area, duties as a CE—
David (29 Sep 2022, 2 hours)
1. Bulk carrier cross section drawing
2. Enhanced Survey Programme
3. LLC, Conditions of Assignment
4. Liquefaction of cargo
5. Inclination test, UWILDDavid (Sep 2022)
1. AE con rod bolt failure
2. ME starting air valve drawing
3. Main air bottles regulation
4. Water tight door regulation
5. Air con system diagram
6. Inspection maintenance and regulations of air con system
7. DP cell boiler water level
8. FO viscosity high issuesZahir (7 Sep 2022)
1. Your ship is in maneuvering condition & your Aux. Blower tripped. It’s not mechanical or electrical problem. What you check & how to solve
2. ESP 15 year bulk carrier
3. Draw a piston, how to overhaul & what to check in a standby piston
4. Boiler Manhole door top & plan view, explain
5. Piston skirt function & what to check
6. What you will check on M/E at regular basis
7. M/ E performance & what to check
8. S/G block diagram & show the emergency steering changeover procedure in drawing, and how you will do emergency steeringLeong (1 Sep 2022 0900H)
1. MARPOL annex 1-(Reg 12-17)-Reg 37
3. UMS regulations
4. Boiler survey including boiler mountings
5. Rudder types-sketch-explanation
6. Aux. Eng exhaust valve frequent burning causes, actions.
7. Steering gear sluggish reasons.David (31 Aug 2022)
1. Terms and conditions of online oral
2. Sea carrier
3. AVR drawing and explanation
4. Sea water pump drawing and explanation
5. Forward construction drawing and explanation
6. Boiler High lift safety valve drawing
7. Watertight door regulation
8. Ballast water management full
9. MLC fullLeong (24 Aug 2022 1400H)
1. MARPOL Annex I chapter 5 regulations 37, regulation 12-17
3. DOL
4. Push up propeller
5. Exhaust valve burning one by one, troubleshoot
6. Jacket water temperature controller draw and explainDavid, Zahir, Leong (23 Aug 2022 1000-1200H)
1. Fireman’s outfit SOLAS regulations
2. Security maintained for PSC
3. Watertight door regulations
1. Emergency steering changeover with steering diagram
2. Emergency generator changeover diagram
3. MARPOL Annex I
1. T/C drawing, explain how to overhaul T/C
2. As 2/E, explain how to instruct new officer for boiler water testDavid
1. Procedure/ precautions when entering pump room
2. Explain and draw MEPC 107(49) OWS ?
3. Explain ISM and latest amendment
4. Reason for AE Con rod failure
5. How would you take clearance of 2 stroke ME Crosshead, Main bearing, crank pin clearance
6. Procedure for carrying out the hull inspection of Bulk carrier 15 years old? Procedure?
7. Draw COPT?
8. Why roller bearing use oil in purifier? And grease in some machinery? ExplainDavid, Leong & Nazir
1. Different types of watertight doors
2. Different types of heat treatment of metals. Different types of hardening. Used on which parts? Deliberate or accidental?
3. Cross section of bulk carriers
4. Position of Pneumatic Control Valve
5. Different types of Surveys/Certificates
6. Full procedure of bearing survey
7. As C/E, how to check operational condition & Performance of M/E
8. Dezincification, Graphitization & Caustic embrittlement
9. As per SOLAS regulation 12, additional safety measures for Bulk CarriersLeong
1. Boiler water dosing & checks
2. Graphitization, Dezincification caustic embrittlement
3. MARPOL Annex 1 & 6
4. Fuel Oil properties
5. Forced balanced positioner
6. UMS Regulation
7. Emergency Power Regulation
8. Steering Gear RegulationUnknown Examiner (7th June 2022, 10am)
1. Fuel Oil properties & Elaborate (C/E Level)
2. SOLAS UMS Requirement
3. Holding Down Bolt drawing & explain tightening procedures
4. Condition of Alignment of Freeboard
5. Dry Push up Type of Keyless Propeller. Drawing and explain
8. C/E work & checking during propeller fixing/pushup
9. Explosion D Lamp fixture for explosion proof. Draw & explainUnknown Examiner (17th May 2022)
1. Aircon System complete with drawing
2. Boiler Door drawing
3. Fuel Oil properties
4. Type of steels used in ship
6. Rudder diagram & explain
7. ISM complete & new regulation
8. Class certificate required in bulk carrierDavid (11th May 2021, 10am)
1. ISM Complete, Company SMS manuals in detail
2. Ship Construction, different type of floor arrangement with diagram explanation
3. Ship Construction materials & where it is used.
4. Star Delta starter diagram & why it is used onboard. Explain
5. Boiler Manhole Door diagramDavid, Leong & Nazir
1. ISM & latest amendment
2. Fuel Oil properties & limits
3. Ship Building materials in details
4. Air Condition Plant & regulations
5. Explosion-proof lamp diagram & its function
6. Rudder diagram & advantages of semi balanced rudder
7. Difference between M/E & A/E Crankshaft Deflection
8. Statutory Certificate, Surveys & Bulk Carrier regulation
9. Resolution MEPC 340(77)M. Bin
1. M/E Performance in detail, also as a Chief Engineer how you can improve ME Performance.
2. Draw Holding Down bolt
3. Draw A/C system diagram, and what are the Regulations for Air-con system
4. Crankshaft deflection in detail, how you can evaluate with your readings
5. Ballast water management in detail
6) Boiler manhole door sketch
7) Aux Blower fail during Departure as a Chief Engineer, what are your actionsDavid
1. Condition of assignment
2. Safety valve drawing
3. Safety valve survey
4. Boiler survey
5. Adjustment of safety valve
6. Entry in M/E sump cofferdam(Not known)
1. UMS requirements
2. MARPOL Annex 1 and 6 details, cross questions
3. Emergency power source requirement
4. Steering gear regulations
5. Steering gear sluggish cross questions
6. Type of organic and inorganic acidsDavid
1. All MARPOL items in E/R
3. BWPDavid
1. UMS regulation
2. Star delta starter drawing and explanation
3. Ballast water management
4. SOLAS chapter 11 part 1 special measures to enhance maritime safety and told all points of SOLAS
5. Steering gear zig zag answer as per ships manual
6. Scavenge fire in detailDavid
1. Condition of assignment of freeboard
2. Stroboscopic effect
3. IG regulation as per SOLAS
4. What are the different turbines used for cargo pump on tankers.
5. MEPC 157(55) regarding sewage discharge
6. How to prevent single phasing of a motor.
7. ERM
8. What are the causes of excessive liner wear.
9. Starting air line explosion causes effects prevention.
10. Anode explanation.David
1. Conditions of Assignment
2. Soft iron anode and Type of system used in ship
3. Ballast water management
4. UMS regulation
5. MARPOL Annex 6
6. MLCM. Bin
1. Like M/E, are A/E crankshaft deflections also important or not, why?
2. M/E all bearings survey
3. M/E performance
4. 3 Phases Induction motor diagram
5. Sketch M/E air starting maneuvering
6. Both Aux boiler trip when maneuvering
7. Boiler survey
8. F.O properties
9. MSB safeties and How to test
10. MARPOL Annex II detail
11. ISM code, certification process
12. ISM code, new regulations
13. Air conditioning System sketch
14. Air Conditioning check points
15. Cold ironing details
16. What types of steel using for Container
17. Condition load line assignment, Regulations(Not known)
1. MARPOL Annex 2 , 3
2. SOLAS 11-1
3. Fire division class including types of material, which places are they used onboard
4. At sea T/C (only one T/C) damaged. What is C/E’s action
5. Sea water cooling system protection
6. During maneuvering, ME jacket temp. fluctuating. Causes and action.Leong (March 2021)
1. M/E Crankcase inspection
2. M/E Crankshaft deflection
3. Tailshaft and pilgrim nut/propeller survey
4. COPT turbine
5. Vacuum condenser tube leaking
6. Materials of pipes, tubes, anodes etc and alloys
7. Load Line surveyM. Bin
1. Bearing survey, superintendent informs what you do before survey for main, crosshead and crank pin bearing. What checks done by surveyor
2. Aux. blowers trip during maneuvering, causes and action to take
3. Boiler survey in detail
4. Main engine performance how do you know efficiency is good. How to calculate M/E power.
5. SFOC how to calculate, what purpose is SFOC. Where to use SFOC
6. Cold ironing, why is it important
7. Sketch A/C system, and daily weekly checks
8. Sketch cross section induction motor sketch line diagram
9. Main switch board safeties how do you test all
10. Sketch starting reversing main engine and explain also
11. MARPOL annex 2
12. SOLAS chapter 2
13. ISM code what new change made. How is certification done for ISM(Not known)
1. SOLAS chapter – XI-1
2. MARPOL annex III details
3. M/E overloaded at sea, cause and action
4. Ship’s emergency power supply SOLAS regulation
5. As C/E what action you will to avoid starting air line explosion
6. During maneuvering, M/E J.C.W temperature fluctuating, causes and action to take
7. Fire class Division on ship, its useM. Bin
1. Main engine all bearings survey
2. Cold ironing
3. MEPC 107(49)
4. Main Switch Board safeties and how to test
5. New regulation ISM code
6. Sketch main engine, starting and reversing
7. Sketch induction motor
8. Sketch circuit diagram of induction motor
9. Boiler survey for class
10. Fuel oil quality and maintenance
11. Main engine both auxiliary blowers trip cause and action when pilot on board
12. Significance of main engine and auxiliary engine crank shaft deflection
13. Enhance survey program and class survey
14. M/E performance monitoring
15. SOLAS Regulations for Steering Gear(Examiner not known)
1. Terms and condition of online oral exam.
2. EPS survey.
3. Load line survey
4. Ballast water management
4. SOLAS 11(2)
5. One unit exhaust gas temp high
6. Scavenge fire
7. Emergency generator requirement.
8. Pump room safety
9. Draw EXI, how it prevents explosion
10. Cargo operation, and vacuum condenser S.W leaks: actions to take, draw vacuum condenser and show how you find leakage
11. Type of COPT, and asked all types of COPT with advantages and disadvantagesLeong
1. MARPOL annex 3, regulations
2. Ballast water conventions
3. Fire divisions onboard, what are A, B and C divisions
4. One of two turbo charger on main engine damaged, action
5. How positioner of the controllers for J.C.W and L.O worksM. Zahir Bin
1. M/E all 3 bearing survey
2. Departure port ME on maneuvering scavenge both blower trip as CE action.
3. ME Operational Performance things to check.
4. Boiler Survey.
5. SOLAS SG regulations.
6. Bulk carrier steel used.
7. Class requirements ESP survey.
8. MARPOL OWS MEPC 107 (49)
9. Statutory certificates and ISPS .Leong
1. SOLAS chapter 12
2. Load line assignments
3. MARPOL annex 3
4. ME turbo charger demand how to run ME ( more cross question)
5. E/R control valve positioner diagram
6. E/R motor overhauling no ETO onboard . Full details check on motor.Leong
1.Condition of assignment
2. Draw boiler water regulation single element
3. IG regulation as per SOLAS
4. What are the different turbines used for cargo pump on tankers.
5. MEPC 157 regarding sewage discharge
6. Annex 4(Examiner not known)
1. OWS diagram
2. Stern tube diagram
3. MARPOL annex 1 chap 3
4. Annex 6 chap 3
5. Different type of rudder
6. What is forward perpendicular
7. Transverse longitudinal frame diagram
8. What is floor, different types
9. Bunkering procedure
10. Ums regulation
11. Scrubber system
12. SOLAS regulations for bulkersHusain
2. IGC Code
3. Cargo compressor room, Electric motor room & Machinery space entrances arrangements as per IGC code
4. Gas fuel line arrangement as per IGC Code
5. Types of ships as per IGC code
6. Dry dock preparations for LNG carriers including preparation for Cargo tanks and Cargo machineries
7. Safety during dry docking and preparation for undocking
8. Procedures for taking performance of Duel Fuel Engines
9. Calculation of SFOC for Duel Fuel Engines on GAS mode
10. Amount of fuel injected into the cylinder while the engine is running on GAS mode
11. Unit overhaul and inspection for Duel Fuel Engines
12. Train newly joined 4th Engineer for fuel change over procedure from MGO to GAS mode on Duel Fuel Engine
13. LO management
14. Pilot on board, Electric Propulsion Motor not starting, action as CE?
15. LNG bunkering
16. Manifold fire during loading operation, action to be carried out to fight the LNG fire.
17. Difference between Port State and Flag State
18. What checks to be done on Sewage Plant
19. What checks to be done on Incinerator
20. Preparations for SIRE inspectionLeong
1. 4-Ram steering gear drawing. SOLAS regulations for ST/GR and ST/GR room
2. OWS drawing.
3. MARPOL Annex I: Oil filtering equipment, ORB, construction requirements (no oil tank at fore peak etc). Only oil tankers have distance requirement for their discharge of cargo hold bilge.
4. Bunkering procedure: preparation and procedure. Explain SOPEP and where to find contact details in case of oil spill worldwide (in SOPEP manual appendix)
5. MARPOL Annex VI: All the important regulations
– Ozone-depleting substances have new law: CFC -> HCFC -> HFC from 1 Jan 2020
– NOx technical code: Details and NOx Technical File contents
– SOx: IMO 2020 Implementation plan. Explain changeover in detail. Explain scrubber system (Open Loop vs Closed Loop)
– Volatile Organic Compounds: Tankers capture oil vapour for shore disposal
– Incineration: Why no heavy metals? (Ans: Produce toxic gas) Why no halogen family? (basically ozone-depleting gases)
– Fuel oil quality: Sample collection for testing, Bunker Delivery Note testing, F.O test results analysis
6. Enclosed space entry for cleaning F.O service tank in dry dockHusain
1. M/E performance power calculation
2. L.O Back-flush filter high diff pressure
3. Purifier optimisation
4. Free surface effect
5. Megger testing and electrical checks in Dry Dock
6. Class survey in Dry Dock, and what to prepare 3-4 days before undocking
7. Boiler survey
8. Boiler water test
9. MLC (how u practice in E/R)
10. MARPOL Annex VI.
11. MARPOL Annex IV and how do you prepare for PSC on sewage
12. L.O analysis
13. How do you prepare PSC for Fire fighting
14. C/E items for PSC
15. Shipboard Training Assessment
16. Forging and crankshaft
17. Incidents and accidents onboard, description of near miss report
19. Loadline survey
20. What do you understand by the term metallurgyHusain
1) How will you prepare to be a Chief Engineer
2) IMO 2020
a. After I answered everything about preparing my ships for IMO2020 low sulphur, at the end of my answer, he asked me what about NOx?
3) How will you take Main engine performance?
a. Result analysis?
4) NDT
5) How to train your cadet/juniors on Main Engine Starting System?
6) Weekly safety test
7) What are the deck machineries on your vessel?
8) Describe the hydraulic working principle on these deck machineries
9) What are the test you carry out on ship cargo cranes?
a. How to do load test?
10) Forging
11) Crankshaft inspection
12) If Main engine not running for a long time, how to ensure the L.O in the crankcase remain in good condition?/ how to ensure it does not deteriorate?
13) How to ensure purifier running efficiently/ at best performance?
14) How to top up air con compressor oil
15) How to change refrigerant gas in system?
16) High voltage
17) Bunkering (spoke about Singapore changing from TR48 to SS648, officially implemented May 2020)
18) FFA
19) Fireman outfit
20) Low insulation, how to train your cadet/junior
21) Ship Construction
22) How you do your work/rest hour onboard?
23) Difference between PSC and FSCDavid
1. High voltage diagram, safeties, PPE, permit to work
2. MLC 2006
1. Emission control
3. Crankcase inspection, crankcase relief door, OMD, crankcase explosion
4. Bulk carrier fixed fire fighting system, checks and maintenance
5. MLC
6. E/R overhead crane circuit diagram, checks and maintenance
7. E/R fire prevention, detection and extinguishingDavid
1. Scavenge fire: detection, actions and safeguards
2. Loadline survey
3. Bulk carrier midship section
4. Tie bolts tensioningDavid
1. Stern tube sealing system sketch and explain, in-situ seal replacement
2. L.O management onboard: How to take sample, system monitoring etc
3. Boiler survey
4. E/R overhead crane circuit diagram, explain safeties, working principle, electrical and mechanical maintenance
5. MLC 2006
7. NDTDavid
1. Bulk carrier midship section drawing
2. Fire prevention, detection, extinguishing
3. Load line survey
4. BA set requirements
5. What is R.O and name 7 R.O appointed by MPA
6. How to carry out cadet training programDavid
1. Boiler internal and external survey, with safety valve
2. Boiler diagram
3. High voltage
4. MLC 2006
5. Draw both fuel pumps and timingHusain
1. M/E unit survey with liner renewal
2. Pilot onboard M/E not starting: actions, fault finding
3. M/E maneuvering diagram
4. Stern tube L.O diagram
5. Tail shaft survey (including propeller)
6. L.O backwash filter cross-section
7. Backwash filter backwashing frequently: action, filter renewal, cleaning, inspection
8. Found white metal particles in L.O backwash filter: actions, leading to crankcase inspection
9. ERM
10. M/E running in
11. High voltage safety, why use high voltage
12. Max. liftable bunker calculationDavid
1. MLC 2006
2. High voltage safety
3. Stern tube sealing arrangement and in-situ repair
4. Crankcase inspection, crankcase relief valve
5. CO2 systemHusain
1. Stern tube system and tail shaft survey
2. 4 ram steering gear (troubleshooting and emergency steering)
3. One unit high exhaust gas temperature
4. ECA change over
5. ERM
6. High Voltage Management
7. Jacket CW system control
9. Both Fuel pump timings
10. M/E overload calculation
11. Slow steaming
12. L.O management
13. C/E duties
14. D-type boiler and surveyHusain
1. Slow Steaming
3. Boiler survey
4. D-type boiler
5. Boiler safety valve: explain working principle, setting procedure, purpose of drain
6. M/E performance
7. M/E overload
8. SS600
9. TR48
10. ERM
This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by
This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by
14/06/2020 at 23:47 #13039Source:
AMSA Syllabus and oral examination checklists for international certificates-
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
15/09/2020 at 16:15 #13744Examiner: Leong
Eedi , seemp, eeoi
Drydocking prep
Enclosed space entry
Co2 drawing, weekly, monthly test
Ums regulations and requirement09/08/2021 at 13:17 #14109Examiner: Husain
Duration: 2 hours (10:00-12:00 SG LT)
1st attempt
2. IGC Code
3. Cargo compressor room, Electric motor room & Machinery space entrances arrangements as per IGC code
4. Gas fuel line arrangement as per IGC Code
5. Types of ships as per IGC code
6. Dry dock preparations for LNG carriers including preparation for Cargo tanks and Cargo machineries
7. Safety during dry docking and preparation for undocking
8. Procedures for taking performance of Duel Fuel Engines
9. Calculation of SFOC for Duel Fuel Engines on GAS mode
10. Amount of fuel injected into the cylinder while the engine is running on GAS mode
11. Unit overhaul and inspection for Duel Fuel Engines
12. Train newly joined 4th Engineer for fuel change over procedure from MGO to GAS mode on Duel Fuel Engine
13. LO management
14. Pilot on board, Electric Propulsion Motor not starting, action as CE?
15. LNG bunkering
16. Manifold fire during loading operation, action to be carried out to fight the LNG fire.
17. Difference between Port State and Flag State
18. What checks to be done on Sewage Plant
19. What checks to be done on Incinerator
20. Preparations for SIRE inspection15/08/2021 at 16:24 #141171. Ows diagram
2. Stern tube diagram
3. Marpol annex 1 chap 3
4. Annex 6 chap 3
5. Different type of rudder
6. What is forward perpendicular
7. Transverse longi frame diagram
8. What is floor, different types
9. Bunkering prodedure
10. Ums regulation
11. Scrubber system
12. Solas regulations for bulkers26/09/2022 at 22:11 #14355Updated masterlist with 2022 questions
David (29 Sep 2022, 2 hours)
1. Bulk carrier cross section drawing
2. Enhanced Survey Programme
3. LLC, Conditions of Assignment
4. Liquefaction of cargo
5. Inclination test, UWILDDavid (Sep 2022)
1. AE con rod bolt failure
2. ME starting air valve drawing
3. Main air bottles regulations
4. Water tight door regulation
5. Air con system diagram
6. Inspection maintenance and regulations of air con system
7. DP cell boiler water level
8. FO viscosity high issues07/09/2022
Zahir (7 Sep 2022)1. Your ship is in maneuvering condition & your Aux. Blower tripped. It’s not mechanical or electrical problem. What you check & how to solve
2. ESP 15 year bulk carrier
3. Draw a piston, how to overhaul & what to check in a standby piston…
4. Boiler Manhole door top & plan view, explain
5. Piston skirt function & what to check
6. What you will check on M/E at regular basis
7. M/ E performance & what to check
8. S/G block diagram & show the emergency steering changeover procedure in drawing, amd how you will do emergency steeringLeong (1 Sep 2022 0900H)
1. MARPOL annex 1-(Reg 12-17)-Reg 37
3. UMS regulations
4. Boiler survey including boiler mountings
5. Rudder types-sketch-explanation
6. Aux. Eng exhaust valve frequent burning causes, actions.
7. Steering gear sluggish reasons.David (31 Aug 2022)
1. Terms and conditions of online oral
2. Sea carrier
3. AVR drawing and explanation
4. Sea water pump drawing and explanation
5. Forward construction drawing and explanation
6. Boiler High lift safety valve drawing
7. Watertight door regulation
8. Ballast water management full
9. MLC fullLeong (24 Aug 2022 1400H)
1. MARPOL Annex I chapter 5 regulations 37, regulation 12-17
3. DOL
4. Push up propeller
5. Exhaust valve burning one by one, troubleshoot
6. Jacket water temperature controller draw and explainDavid, Zahir, Leong (23 Aug 2022 1000-1200H)
1. Fireman’s outfit SOLAS regulations
2. Security maintained for PSC
3. Watertight door regulations
1. Emergency steering changeover with steering diagram
2. Emergency generator changeover diagram
3. MARPOL Annex I
1. T/C drawing, explain how to overhaul T/C
2. As 2/E, explain how to instruct new officer for boiler water testUnknown Examiner
1. Procedure/ precautions when entering pump room
2. Explain and draw MEPC 107(49) OWS ?
3. Explain ISM and latest amendment
4. Reason for AE Con rod failure
5. How would you take clearance of 2 stroke ME Crosshead, Main bearing, crank pin clearance
6. Procedure for carrying out the hull inspection of Bulk carrier 15 years old? Procedure?
7. Draw COPT ?
8. Why roller bearing use oil in purifier? And grease in some machinery? ExplainDavid, Leong & Nazir
1. Different types of watertight doors
2. Different types of heat treatment of metals. Different types of hardening. Used on which parts? Deliberate or accidental?
3. Cross section of bulk carriers
4. Position of Pneumatic Control Valve
5. Different types of Surveys/Certificates
6. Full procedure of bearing survey
7. As C/E, how to check operational condition & Performance of M/E
8. Dezincification, Graphitization & Caustic embrittlement
9. As per SOLAS regulation 12, additional safety measures for Bulk CarriersLeong
1. Boiler water dosing & checks
2. Graphitization, Dezincification caustic embrittlement
3. MARPOL Annex 1 & 6
4. Fuel Oil properties
5. Forced balanced positioner
6. UMS Regulation
7. Emergency Power Regulation
8. Steering Gear RegulationUnknown Examiner (7th June 2022, 10am)
1. Fuel Oil properties & Elaborate (C/E Level)
2. SOLAS UMS Requirement
3. Holding Down Bolt drawing & explain tightening procedures
4. Condition of Alignment of Freeboard
5. Dry Push up Type of Keyless Propeller. Drawing and explain
8. C/E work & checking during propeller fixing/pushup
9. Explosion D Lamp fixture for explosion proof. Draw & explainUnknown Examiner (17th May 2022)
1. Aircon System complete with drawing
2. Boiler Door drawing
3. Fuel Oil properties
4. Type of steels used in ship
6. Rudder diagram & explain
7. ISM complete & new regulation
8. Class certificate required in bulk carrier-
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
07/12/2024 at 20:41 #149912024 updates
Date: 23-Oct-2024
Time: 0930 am4 candidate- 3 pass 1 assignment
1. Inclining experiment in detail. Focusing on preparation before carrying out experiment.
2. STP diagram. Focusing on all necessary installation checked by PSC. To confirm STP optimum performance
3. How to check healthy steering, causes of steering gear erratic functioning
4. Steering gear regulations
5. How to train 3rd eng for AE overhaul. Concentrating on SMS (ISM), planning for overhaul, assessment of 3rd eng to overhaul AE. Monitoring safety, and documentation.
6. Emergency steering gear trying out frequency. And why 1ce in 3 months.Date: 16-Oct-2024
Time: 2 PM01) What are the things you have studied, explain elaborately.
02) Draw and explain accommodation ac plant and explain the regulatory requirements.
03) ISM certification
04) 5 yearly statutory certificate with supplementary.
05) sketch & explanation stern tube sealing arrangement.
06) How to keep your ship maneuverable?
07) Blackout in heavy traffic area action as CE.Date: 16-Oct-2024
Time: 0930 am01) Viscotherm drawing+ cross question+ potential failure+ malfunction root cause: action as a c/e
02) Viscotherm & other- control valve cross question+
03) FO heater cross question
04) ST sealing drawing+ function of seal+ lots cross question
05) ST alignmentnt checking procedure+ cross question
06) ac regulation for SOLAS & mlc
07) ac drawing
08) annex 4 details + annex-4 certification+ related lots cross questionDate: 2nd October 2024
Time: 0330pm
Examiner: Rui
Questions asked:
1) SOLAS regulations of IG system
2) IG system drawing and explanation
3) Emcy Gen Auto Circuit drawing
4) Difference btw Tie Breaker and Circuit breaker
5) Actions as a CE if EDG not starting automatically during PSC inspection
6) Difference between Statutory certificates and Mandatory CertificatesAssignments:
1. Statutory and Mandatory Certificates
2. Difference between Tie breaker and Circuit breakerSubmitted on 3rd Oct, 0930am.
Along with the assignment explanation,
1. Stern tube seal renewal at dry dock.
A) What are the clearances taken
3. ISM codeDate: 25 Sep 2024
Examiner: David (online)Lifeboat SOLAS regulations
AVR and Reverse power sketch.
ISPS codeDate: 11-Sep-2024
Time: 11:00
Total: 4person
Verdict: David & RuiQuestions:
1. High voltage instruments (mandatory to carry onboard in high voltage ship).
2. Reverse power relay. (drawing, explanation and if happened reverse power trip on-board as a chief engineer, what is your action).
3. Details about CII, EEDI, EEOI, EEXI. (the whole energy efficiency and carbon emissions reduce Process).
4. ISM certification in details.
5. MLC certification.Date: 04-Sep-2024
Examiner: David and Rui
Total appeared- 3 guys (2-pass with assignment, 1-fail)1) Crosshead bearing failure. Identify, causes and action as CE
2) Reverse power sketch & explain.
3) MLC certification issuing procedure.
4) Steering failure, cause and action.
5) CIC. What is next CIC for this year
6) What is criminal penalty if ships make accident or pollution
7) Main switch board safety.
8) Stern tube drawing all seals and explanationDate: 21-Aug-2024
Time: 0930AM
Examiner: David and RuiQuestions:
1. Draw High Lift Boiler safety valve
2. Safety valve survey & SOLAS requirement
3. ISM
4. CIC 2024
5. LO Emulsification
7. Annex 6 Chapter 4
8. Blackout in heavy traffic area, duties as a CE-
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