I’ve worked with different purifiers brand mitsubitshi, alfa lava and Westfalia.
Common problems that i’ve faced is that purifier cannot desludge (bowl cannot open & close) , purifier leaking fuel oil etc, excessive vibrations.
When faced with any kind of purifier that bowl cannot open or close, its normally the open and closing mechanism
Mitsubitshi uses pilot valves. many times when pilot valves are tight, this prevents the opening closing of pilot valves, prevent the bowl form closing and opening properly. Alfa lava uses teflon plugs and springs. Any defects of teflon or springs impedes opening closing. Many times, problems lies in water operating device’s Orings having defects.
Defect Main seal rings could cause leakage also.
To troubleshoot a purifier, you must know how to operate the Purifier in manual. Crucial to know how to operate the valve on the Solenoid for Operating water, closing water & opening water.
1) when the purifier is running and Ampere had stablise, open the operating water briefly. Open the sludge plug and observe, the water must come out.
2) Open the closing water for few minutes. Open the operating water, open the sludge plug and oberve, the water must not leak, if leakage, Your closing mechanism failed.
3) If there is no leakage, your bowl succussfully closed. Close the sludge plug. open the opening water, you should hear your bowl opening.