Settings to do on radar:
Settings, indications, alarms in Bridge equipment during navigation and watchkeeping. What are the requirements?
For continuous monitoring during navigation watchkeeping. For Close Quarter Situation. For near misses and accidents.
All Aids To Navigation must be relevant performance standard. (IMO) They are designed to standard settings, must be able to provide indicators and alarms to prevent dangerous situation.
Settings are used to set a safe value to ensure safe navigation/operation. In case of deviation from settings, equipment alert will come and warn the operator. “Alert warning” starts with indication and for a larger deviation, the equipment provides and ALARM.
Indication = A condition or a status of a system, parameter in an equipment. It provides a value and acts an alert.
Alarm = Can be visual/audio/both visual and audio announcement of proximity to danger. Possible breach of safety margin and requires IMMEDIATE ATTENTION.
Settings: Guard zone, short pulse, long pulse, CPA, TCPA
Indication: Acquire Target, AIS target data
Alarms: CPA/TCPA less than set value -> alarm will come, loss of sensor input
Settings: Geodetic datum, height of antenna setting
Indication: Horizontal Dilution of Precision value, SOG, COG, DGPS broadcast receipt, no. of satellites, strength of signal
Alarms: High HDOP alarm, anchor watch alarm, cross check alarm
Settings: Safety depth, safety parameter, cross track limit, position sensors (primary and secondary)
Indication: Chart overscale, causing a danger in route monitoring mode, crossing safety contour
Alarms: Crossing safety contour, deviation of route, position failure, different datum