Questions are often asked about properties, advantages and disadvantages of materials for particular components. E.g. ship-side valve, safety valve etc.
A selection method of tackling such problems:
1. Working conditions: e.g. Erosive, corrosive, fatigue, stresses, thermal, shock etc.
2. Shape and method of manufacture: e.g. Casting, forging, machining, drawing etc.
3. Repairability: e.g. brazed, welded, metal-locked etc.
4. Cost
Sample: Ship-side valve
1. Working conditions: Corrosive, erosive, little variation in temperature, relatively low stresses, possibility of impact.
Therefore, material requirements = Hard, corrosion-resistant, with a relatively high impact valve.
2. Shape and method of manufacture: Relatively intricate shape would most probably be cast.
3. Material could be spheroidal graphite cast iron, cast steel or phosphor bronze.
4. Increasingly expensive, easier to repair, increasing in corrosion resistance and impact value.