icedcappucino started the topic HAZMAT – IMDG Code, Basic in the forum Marine Legislation 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Q: Which of the following is a hazard classification of dangerous goods?
A: Toxic and infectious substancesQ: What is the purpose of the classification of dangerous goods?
A: To group dangerous goods into the most predominant hazards they presentQ: Which of the following best describes dangerous goods?
A: Any materials of items with hazardous…[
icedcappucino replied to the topic Bilge Water in the forum COC 5 (Engine) Oral Sample Answers 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Q: At port, how to handle bilge water if bilge tanks/Wells are all full?
As a junior engineer,
1. Immediately inform Second Engineer and Chief Engineer.
A) Chief Engineer and Captain will inform the ship managers, and liaise with the port and agent for shore disposal of the bilge water.2. Check engine room for source of water contributing to…[Read more]
icedcappucino replied to the topic COC 5 (Engine) Oral Questions in the forum COC (Engine) past oral questions 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Updated with 2024 questions
David and Rui, Oct 2024
1. Bilge system
A) Bilge well high level, started bilge pump but bilge well level is not reducing.
2. MPA’s 8 RO
3. IMO conventions -
icedcappucino started the topic No. 0260 Behaviour based safety in the forum Safety 7 months, 1 week ago
Q1: According to the video, the foundation of maritime safety is teaching crew members the proper or preferred way of performing tasks.
A: TrueQ2: The foundation of behaviour based safety is to change how we think before we perform tasks.
A: TrueQ3: Behaviour based safety encourages punishment when unsafe behaviours are performed.
icedcappucino started the topic No. 0141 SEEMP Part II, The IMO DCS and EU MRV in the forum Marine Legislation 7 months, 3 weeks ago
Q1: What is the main reason that IMO DCS and EU MRV were introduced?
A: To calculate CO2 emissions from large vessels.Q2: Which of the following are required from the ship by the IMO’s Data Collection System (DCS)?
A: The Ship’s IMO number, Hours Underway, Fuel oil consumption (by fuel oil type), Distance travelledQ3: Who verifies the…[Read more]
icedcappucino started the topic No. 0006 OPA 90 in the forum Marine Legislation 8 months ago
Q1: Which of the following was one of the important findings in the report into the Exxon Valdez accident?
A: Prevention is the first line of defence.Q2: Which of the following describes one of the main problems experienced when dealing with the oil spilled from the Exxon Valdez?
A: Government and industry response plans proved to be unable to…[Read more] -
icedcappucino started the topic No. 0122 ISO 14001 Environmental management in the forum Marine Legislation 8 months ago
Q1: Do all companies have to follow ISO 14001? Select the ONE correct answer.
A: NoQ2: Is it true that a company having ISO 14001 certification must have a documented environmental policy?
A: YesQ3: ISO 14001 uses the term ‘life-cycle’. What does this mean? Select the ONE best answer.
A: All the stages of a product or service from getting the…[Read more] -
icedcappucino started the topic No. 0186 Vessel General Permit – VGP in the forum Marine Legislation 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Q1: Which one of the following best describes the discharges controlled by the Vessel General Permit (VGP)?
A: 27 specific types of dischargeQ2: Which of the following was the main reason for the Vessel General Permit (VGP) being introduced in 2008?
A: Pollution from ships was found to have increased rapidlyQ3: Which one of the following best…[Read more]
icedcappucino started the topic Ex d protection for electrical in the forum Electrotech 10 months, 1 week ago
The biggest misconception is the “flame” originates from outside of the Flame-proof equipment, and the equipment is specially designated to prevent it from catching fire (or explode). It’s the other way round actually.
Ex “d” = Flame-proof, which means the housing will contain the flame without allowing the flame to escape…[Read more]
icedcappucino started the topic How to fight fire in Engine Room in the forum Miscellaneous 10 months, 1 week ago
This post assumes the fire alarm has been raised and all crew has mustered and accounted for.
– Start the Emergency Generator, if not yet started.
– Stop Main Engine and all Diesel Generators. As needed, activate Quick Closing Valves for Oil Tanks and the engines, activate Emergency Stop for pumps.
– Stop Engine Room Ventilation Blower motors,…[
icedcappucino started the topic COC 5/2/1 (Engine) orals preparation in the forum How to handle oral exams (COC 1, 2, 5) 1 year ago
Well this is what worked for me, hope it may help you too.
1. Study focus
[ ] Recent oral questions (I can’t share link to the WhatsApp/Telegram groups sorry)
[ ] Organise notebooks according to topics
A) Pure drawings
B) Machineries information such as working principle, inspection procedure etc. (inclusive of drawings where relevant)…[Read more] -
icedcappucino replied to the topic Marpol (International convention for prevention of pollution from ship) in the forum Marine Legislation 1 year, 2 months ago
cat60y and
LionOfKonoha are now friends 1 year, 11 months ago
icedcappucino started the topic Chief Officer (Promotion) interview in the forum Promotion 2 years ago
– Self introduction (if requested)2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ON ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY
A) Duties and responsibilities:
– Awareness and understanding
– Crew management
i) Large difference between 2/O and C/O when it comes to man-management. What’s the MLC Work/…[Read more] -
icedcappucino replied to the topic Introduction to winches and windlass in the forum Deck Machineries 2 years ago
icedcappucino replied to the topic Annual Survey in the forum Marine Legislations and Surveys 2 years ago
Sample requirements for a Bulk Carrier
Notations: +100A1, Bulk Carrier, Enhanced Survey Program (ESP), LI Shipright Ship Emergency Response Service (SERS), Unmanned Machinery Space (UMS), Lloyd’s Machinery Certificate (LMC), Screwshaft Condition Monitoring (SCM)
Annual Survey
For bulk carriers, the following requirements are also…[Read more]
icedcappucino replied to the topic GLOSSARY OF SHIPPING/MARINE TERMS in the forum Marine Legislations and Surveys 2 years ago
Operational, ship structure
1) International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) Surveyor’s Glossary Hull Terms & Hull Survey TermsCommercial
Baltic Exchange – Shipping GlossaryLegislation, general
Cayman Islands Shipping Registry – Glossary -
icedcappucino started the topic GLOSSARY OF SHIPPING/MARINE TERMS in the forum Marine Legislations and Surveys 2 years ago
Compilation of several websites that offers free reference for commercial and operational shipping terms.
icedcappucino replied to the topic COC 5 (Engine) Oral Questions in the forum COC (Engine) past oral questions 2 years, 1 month ago
Updated with 2023 questions
Unknown examiner (Motor)
1. Bilge system – went through line tracing, emergency bilge (mentioning highest capacity pump), what to do when there’s flooding
2. Boiler – gauge glass blowdown, what to do when boiler is over-pressurised
3. Pumps – what kind of pump is bilge pump, how to tell non-return valve from other…[Read more] -
icedcappucino replied to the topic Introduction to A/C and Ref. in the forum Air/Con & Refrigeration 2 years, 1 month ago
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